Download Previous Exam Asked Psychiatric Nursing Question with Answer part 2
Total Question - 50
Resperidone is a :-
(A) Benzodiazipine
(B) Atypical Antidepressant
(C) Atypical
(D) Mood Stabilizer
Q. 2 Nurse Must Observe on of the
following side effects in a patient who is on Antipsychotic :-
(A) Extra
Pyramidal symptom
(B) Arrythmia
(C) Anorexia
Q. 3 Electro Convulsive Therapy is most
commonly given in the following condition :-
(A) Neurosis
(B) Depression
(C) Obession
(D) Substance Abuse
Q. 4 All of the Following are types of
Delusion EXCEPT :-
(A) Grandisoity
(B) Wrong
(C) Ideas of Reference
(D) Persecution
Q.5 All of following are neurotic disorder
A. Mania
B. Conversion disorder
C. Neurotic depression
D. Phobia
Q.6. Repetitive behavior pattern performed
in a stereotype manners?
A. Compulsion
B. Obsession
C. Repression
D. Replication
Q.7. When thought are so quick without
association it is called?
A. Flight of ideas
B. Catalepsy
C. Mannerism
D. Clung association
Q. 8. Morphine belong to following group
of drugs?
A. Belldona alkaloids
B. Opioid
C. Barbiturates
D. Anticholinergics
Q.9. Fear of going outside to open space
A. Algophobia
B. Agrophobia
C. Acrophobia
D. Ampjiphobia
Q.10. Patient with mania having all of the
following symptoms EXCEPT.;
A. Elated with unstable mood
B. Increase Pressure of speech
D. Increased Motor Activity
Q.11 Which of the following is not the
example of emotion :-
A. Fear
B. Love
C. Hunger
Q.12 Which of the following will influence
an individual’s perception ?
A. Sensory limitations
B. Previous Experiences
C. Individual Needs
D. All of the
Q.13 An idea or a thought that is silly,
abused or appartly Meaningless. Yet a person can’t get rid of is known as :-
A. Agoraphobia
B. Obsession
C. Both of the Above
D. None of the above
Q.14 Irrational Fear from public places is
known as :-
A. Agoraphobia
B. Specific phobia
C. Social phobia
D. None of the above
Q. 15 Another Name of conversion Disorder
A. Epilepsy
B. Hysteria
C. Hypochondriasis
D. None of these
Q. 16 Clomipramine is a :-
A. Antidepresant
B. Antipsychotic Drug
C. Antianxiety Drug
D. None of these
Q.17 “Flight of Body “ is known as :-
A. Amensia
B. Depersonalization
C. Fugue
D. None of these
Q. 18 Which of the following is not
included in psychosomatic disorder :-
A. Epilepsy
B. Anorexia Nervosa
C. Essential
D. None of these
Q.19 Revised Name of the Multiple
Personality is :-
D. None of these
Q.20 Increased Dopamine Neurotransmitter
receptors in brain could be responsible for the onset of :-
A. Schizophernia
B. Depression
C. Narcissism
Q.21 Hebephrenic Schizophrenia is known as
A. Residual schizophrenia
B. Undifferentiated schizophrenia
C. Disorganized
D. None of the above
Q.22 Which of the following is not a
symptom of schizophrenia ?
A. Delusion
B. Excessive
C. Hallucination
D. None of these
Q. 23 In ECT, The intensity of Electric
Current is Between :-
A. 70-130 volts
B. 130-220 volts
C. 220-440 volts
D. 440-540 volts
Q.24 Causes of Delirium are :-
A. Metabolic Disorder
B. Head Trauma
C. Infection
D. All
Q. 25 The Cause of Sucide is :-
A. Hopelessness
B. Helplessness
C. Worthlessness
D. All of the
Q. 26 In which defence Mechanism the person transfers his anger on others v;-
A. Delusion
B. Conversion
C. Repression
D. Projection
Q. 27 The therapy in which Harmony between
husband and wife may achieved or established by efforts of experts :-
A. Cognitive therapy
B. Family therapy
C. Group therapy
D. Marital therapy
Q.28 The Factor which is Responsible to
cause schizophrenia :_-
A. Sociocultural Factor
B. Psychosocial Factor
C. Genetic Factor
D. All of the above
Q.29 After Ingestion of Alcohol by person who
is on disulfiram Ethanol Reaction Occurs within :-
A. 10 min.
B. 30 min.
C. 60 min.
D. 2 hours
Q.30 Confabulation is commonly observed in
patients with :-
A. Delusional Disorders
B. OCD Disorders
C. Amnestic Syndrome
D. Personality Disorders
Q.31 Dissociation is present in All, EXCEPT :-
A. Delirium
B. Multiple personality
C. Fugue
D. Somnabulism
Q.32 The person with generalised Anxiety
Disorder :-
A. Is carefree and settled in mood
B. Does not worry about everyday routine events
C. Has no routine everyday events to worry
D. Worries about everyday routine events
Q. 33 Agitated Depression is NOT characterized
by ?
A. Elevated mood
B. Increased motor Activity
C. Depressed mood
D. Restless and purposeless movements
Q.34 The Essential features of obsessional
thoughts in OCD are All EXCEPT –
A. A Resistance to subjective compulsion
B. A feeling of subjective compulsion
C. Presence of primary delusions
D. Preservation of Insight
Q.35 Which is NOT a positive sign seen in
Schizophrenia :-
A. Delusions
B. Flat Affect
C. Thought disorder
D. Hallucinations
Q.36 At what age can medical treatment be
withdrawn :-
A. 70
B. 90
C. 110
D. No Age
Q. 37 Mutism is NOT Associated with –
A. Depressive stupor
B. Hysteria
C. Catatonic stupor
D. Korsakoff’s psychosis
Q. 38 In following which is not included in the
4’´A s of Schizophrenia :-
A. Autism
B. Anxiety
C. Association Disorder
D. Ambivalence
Q. 39 In ICD – 10 Classification the disease
that are classified in group F70-79 are-
A. Mood Affective disorder
B. Neurotic stress Related and somatoform
C. Mental Retardation
D. Disorder of adult personality
Q. 40 Nursing care for improving sleep pattern
of schizophrenic patient include all Except –
A. Switch off main light
B. Provide calm and cool environment
C. Give a glass of hot milk before sleeping
D. Avoid day time activities
Q. 41 Tertiary prevention of mental retardation
A. Autism
B. Immunization of children with DPT,BCG,OPV
and MMR
C. Increase Educational level
D. Early detection of presence of mental
Q. 42 A Neurotic disorder in which person has
two more personalities or which only one is being manifest at a time :-
A. Dissociative Identity Disorder
B. Hysterical fits
C. Dissociative fugue
D. Dissociative Amnesia
Q. 43 The Most important dependence producing
opoid Derivates are –
A. Codeine and Papaverine
B. Heroine and Methadone
C. Morphine and Heroine
D. Pethidine and Nolaptrine
Q. 44 In Following which is not a characteristic of Disulfiram ethanol
reaction :-
A. Tachycardia
B. Hypertension
C. Hypotension
D. Headache
Q. 45 The drug which is used for managing
withdrawal symptoms of opoid ?
A. Clonidine
B. Methadone
C. Naltrxone
D. All of the Above
Q. 46 A Disorder in which Attempt is Made to
counteract the effects of overeating by
self induced vomiting , after period of starvation etc.:-
A. Hypermnesia
B. Anorexia Nervosa
C. Bulimia Nervosa
D. Anorexia
Q. 47 The Nurse employed in a psychiatric unit
is as signed to care for a patient admitted to the unit 2 days ago. On review
of the patient’s record . The Nurses notes that the admission was an informal voluntary
admission. Based on this type of admission, the Nurse expects which of the
following ?
A. The patient will participate in the
treatment plan
B. The patient will be angry and will refuse
C. The patient will be very resistant to
treatment measures.
D. The patient’s family will be very resistant
to treatment measures.
Q.48 Disulfiram is prescribed for a patient
with a problem related to alcohol. The nurse understand that this medication
works on the principle of which of the following therapies?
A. Self control Therapy
B. Milieu therapy
C. Aversion therapy
D. Desensitization
Q.49 A Client was admitted to a medical unit with acute blindness .Many
tests Are performed and three seems to be no organic reason why this patient cannot
see. The nurse later learns that the patient become blind after witnessing a hit
and run car accident . when a family of three was killed. The nurse suspects
that the patient may be experiencing a
A. Repression
B. Psychosis
C. Dissociative Disorder
D. Conversion Disorder
Q.50 Which of the following is not typical
Anti-psychotic and does not have marked extra pyramidal side effects?
A. Clozapine
B. Haloperidol
C. Chlorpromazine
D. Fluphenazine