Total Questions - 50 With Answer
Q.1. Which organelle of cell is known as 'controller of cell '?
A. Ribosome
B. Nucleus ✔
C. Mitochondria
D. Centrosome
Q.2. Total amount of plasma protein in plasma?
A. 7.3 gm✔
B. 4.7 gm
C. 2.3 gm
D. O.3 gm
Q.3. Kuffer cells in liver is an example of?
A. Mast cells
B. Basophils
c. Microphase✔
D. Eosinophils
Q.4. RBC takes time for maturation and development(erythropoiesis) ?
A. 2 days
B. 5 days
C. 7 days✔
D. 10 days
Q.5. Megaloblastic anemia occurs due to te deficiency of ??
A. B12
B. Folic acid✔
C. Iron
D. Protein
Q.6. What is the purpose of doing fourth maneuver;
A. To know fetal part at the fundus
B. To assess the degree of flexion or Attitude
C. To have an idea about fetal part
D. To know engagement occurs or not✔
Q. 7. Decent during labor assessed by which pelvic grip ;
A. Fundal grip
B. Lateral grip
C. Pelvic 1st
D. Pelvic 2nd✔
Q. 8. During which of the following stage of labor the nurse would assess "Crowning "??
A. First stage
B. Second stage✔
C. Third stage
D. Forth stage
Q.9. The greatest danger in breech presentation during labor is;
A. Prolapse of foot
B. Prolapse of cord✔
C. Precipitate labor
D. Prolapse arm
Q. 10. The factor responsible for the dilatation of the cervix is;
A. Formation of beg of water
B. Painful uterine contraction
C. Fetal axis pressure
D. All the above✔
Q. 11. When the combined duration of first and second stage of labor is less the two hours, the condition is called ;
A. Preterm labor
B. Precipitate labor✔
C. Premature labor
D. Labor at term
Q. 12. The fully dilated cervix during first stage of labor is measured as;
A. 5 cm
B. 6 cm
C. 10 cm ✔
D. 8 cm
Q. 13. All of following must Be monitored by nurse during second stage of labor Except;
A. Uterine contraction
B. Descending of presenting part
C. Maternal comfort✔
D. Fetal condition
Q. 14. The positive sign for beginning of the second stage of labor is ;
A. Expulsion of clear vaginal fluid
B. Contractions are regular
C. Ruptured membrane
D. Cervix is fully dilated✔
Q. 15. Lengthening of umbilical cord and spurt of blood from the vagina indicates??
A. Hematoma
B. Placenta previa
C. Placental separation✔
D. Uterine atony
Q. 16.A nurse checking a ABG report of a patient, admitted in ICU.
FINDING are - pH- 7.30, Pco2- 50 mmHg,Hco3-22-27 mmofHg.
according the findings the nurse suspect that the patient is suffering from-
A. Respiratory alkaloids
B. Respiratory acidosis✔
C. Metabolic alkalosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
Q. 17. During labor FHS must be auscultated;
A. Mid way between contraction
B. Immediate before the next contraction
C. Immediate after the contraction
D. As near to the end of the contraction as possible✔
Q. 18. The relationship between long axis of fetus to long axis of the uterus is known as?
A. Presentation
B. Attitude
C. Lie✔
D. Position
Q. 19. The Placenta should be delivered normally with in ;
A. 5 min
B. 30 min✔
C. 45 min
D. 60 min
Q. 20. During labor, the process of thinning and shortening of cervix is termed as?
A. Ballottement
B. Dilatation
C. Effacement✔
D. Insufficiency
Q.21. Amount of glycerin enema for an adult patient??
A. 100-110ml
B. 50-70ml
C. 60-100ml
D. 15-30ml✔
Q.22. The data which described or given by patient himself, known as-
A. Subjective data
B. Symptoms
C. covered data
D. All of them✔
Q.23. Nursing care plan are a part of which phase of nursing process?
A. Evaluation
B. Nursing diagnosis
C. Planning✔
D. Nursing Assessment
Q. 24. Inverse fever is a characteristic feature of which disease??
A. Malaria
B. Influenzas
C. Milliary tuberculosis ✔
D. Septicemia
Q.25. Rise of body temperature above 105 degrees termed as-
A. Hyperpyrexia✔
B. High pyrexia
C. Normothermia
D. Moderate pyrexia
Q.26. A condition in which temperature reduce but patient's condition does not improve-
A. True crysis
B. False crysis✔
C. Lysis
D. Fastigium
Q, 27. Aptitude of normal/ expected pulse is-
A. 0
B. 1+
D. 03+
Q.28. A nurse is planing for oral temperature of a patient, who just drink cold action of nurse?
A. Wait for 15 minutes✔
B. Take temperature by axilla
C. Wait for an hour
D. Avoid temperature by mouth
Q.29 Difference between apical pulse and radical pulse is called?
A. sinus arrhythmia
B. Pulse deficit✔
C. Bigeminal pulse
D. paradoxical pulse
Q.30. Stertor sound of respiration is seen in which condition?
A. Asthma
B. Pneumonia
C. Acute alcoholism✔
D. laryngitis
Q.31 Normal means arterial blood pressure is in adults
A. 95mmHg
B. 93.3mmHg✔
C. 40mmHg
D. 120mmHG
Q.32. A nurse taking blood pressure of a patient, the cuff is loose. the reading will be?
A. Low reading✔
B. High reading
C. No change
D. May be high or low
Q.33. Wong baker faces rating scale is used to measurement of ?
A. Burn
B. Pain✔
C, Gait
D. Consciousness
Q.34. Administration of drug in mouth against the wall of mucous membrane of cheek is termed as A. Inhalation
B. Buccal route✔
C. Sublingual route
D. Oral route
Q.35. Injection into spinal cavity is?
A. Intra thecal✔
B. Intra articular
C. Intra muscular
D. Intra osseous
Q.36. What is Gout?
(A) A degenerative disorder
(B) A vascular disorder
(C) A renal disorder
(D) A metabolic disorder✔
Q,37, The Civil Disobedience Movement was started in the year :
(A) 1905 AD
(B) 1920 AD
(C) l930 AD✔
(D) 1942 AD
Q.38. If 1st April 2014 is Tuesday, then 1st June 2014 will be
(A) Thursday
(B) Friday
(C) Saturday
(D) Sunday✔
Q.39. The light of which color is used to treat neonatal jaundice?
(A) Red Light
(B) Yellow Light
(C) Orange Light
(D)Blue Light✔
Q.40. Identify the part of Human Stomach which connects/joins with Esophagus
(A) Fundus
(B)Cardia ✔
(C) Body
(D) pylorus
Q,41, Which one of the following is infectious Hepatitis?
(A) Hepatitis A ✔
(B) Hepatitis B
(C) Hepatitis C
(D) Hepatitis D
Q.42. Which one of the following vaccinations is necessary for pregnant lady?
A. Tetanus ✔
C) Rubella
Q.43. Thalassemia is a congenital;
A) Defect in bones
B) Blood disorder ✔
C) Neural defect
D) Muscular Defect
Q.44. Which city will host Olympic Games, 2020?
A) Madrid
B) Istanbul
C) Rio de Janeiro
D) Tokyo✔
Q.45. When we open an internet site, we see 'www'. What is the full form of 'www' ?
A) World Wide Web✔
B) World Wise word
C) Words Wise Web
D) None of these
Q.47. The disorder that affects the memory and cognitive function in older persons is called:
A) Insomnia
B) Paranoia
' C) Aphasia
D) Dementia✔
Q.48. Which for the following is not a contraindication of peritoneal dialysis ?
A. Peritonitis
B. Recent abdominal surgery
C. Abdominal adhesions
Q. 49. Physiological anemia during pregnancy is a result of;
A. Increased blood volume of the mother ✔
B. Decreased dietary intake of iron
C. Decreased erythropoietin after first trimester
D. Increased detoxification of iron by maternal liver
Q50. The amount of dialysate solution(generally prescribed) for peritoneal dialysis ?
A. 500ml-1000ml
B. 1000ml-2000ml✔
C. 2000ml-2500ml
D. 2500ml-3000ml