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Latest Staff Nurse and ANM Recruitment NHM odisha 2016

Latest Staff Nurse and ANM Recruitment NHM odisha 2016.. 

Are you A Nursing Student And Prepare for competitive nursing exam like AIIMS PGIMER JIPMER DSSSB RAILWAY ESIC AND MANY MORE COMPETITIVE NURSING EXAM and Waiting for Government Job vacancies? There is a staff Nurse Grade II Vacancy open in NHM ODISHA. NHM ODISHA Invited Application for the post of Staff Nurse Grade II and ANM. You can Apply Now For the post of Staff Nurse Grade II and ANM. See the Recruitment Details Given Below.. 


OFFLINE by Regd/speed post/Courier Only 

🕗 Last Date of Application Submission - 

 08 SEPTEMBER 2016 (with All Documents Copy) 


CDMO-cum District Mission, Director,District - Malkangiri PIN - 764048 Before 08.09.2016 

👤Recruitment Details ;-


1.1. Nature of Contract ;-

The above positions are purely temporary in nature and also co-terminus with proiect period. The contract will be for 11 months and to be renewed based on performance appraisal report.

1.2. Eligibility Criteria:  In order to be eligible for direct recruihnent to the post of Staff Nurse, acandidate shall have to satisry the following conditions, namely:-

1.2.1. Nationality-

 S/he must be a citizen of lndia.

1.2.2. Age Limit- S/he must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above theage of 32 years as on 01.08.2016 except ASHAS those who have completed 1 year in the health system in the State and below the age of 45 years. S/he shall be allowed to take pal1in the recruitment process if having the minimum qualification as required for SN.However, age relaxation & reservation policy of State Govt. is to be followed in to for candidates fulfilling criteria prescribed in the said Policy (except for ASHAI

1.2.3. Knowledge in Odia- The candidate must: 

a)be able to read, write and speak odia:

b) have passed middle school examination with Odia as language subject or

c) have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium ofexamination in nonlanguage subject or. 

d] have passed in Odia as language subject in the final examination ofclass Vll from aschool or educational institution recognized by the Government of Odisha or the Central Govemment or

e) have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by theSchool and Mass Education Department.


1.3. Marital Status-lf married, the candidate must not have more than one spouse living:Provided that the Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under thepersonal law applicable to such person orthere are other specific grounds for doing so, exemptany person from the operation ofthis rule.

1.4. Minimum Educational Qualification- The candidate must have passed in General Nursing & Midwife/B.Sc. Nursing from any Gov't Nursing schools of medical colleges/Schoolof nursing MCL Talcher/lcH Rourkela or other recognized private institutions dully approvedby lNC and must have registered in the odisha nursinS council.

1.5. Physical Fitness- The candidate must be ofgood mental and physical health and free frcmany physical defects likely to make her/his incapable of discharging her/his normal duties inthe Service,A candidate, who after such medical examination as the Govemment may prescribeis not found to satist,the requirements shall not be appointed to the Service.

1.6. Registration- The candidate must have registered her/his name in Nursing Council in the State and have possessed valid registration certificates as on the date of advertisement.

1.7. Process oflinalization of merit list

1.7,1 Carier AssessmentThe career assessment woul d be done for individual applicant using following criteria.


Sl. No.       Examinrtion   weightage 
1.              HSC(excluding 4th.       20%
2.            +2 Science(excluding 4th
                  Ontional)equivalent    30%
3.           Diploma in General 
               Nursing and midwifery 
                   Course.                            50%

Total Marks = 100  

Additional Marks for ASHAS: ASHAS shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the totalmarks for each completed year ofcontinuous service subiect to the maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.Validity of Merit List The select list of the candidates prepared shall be in force for a period of one year only. Extension ofsuch validity ofthe selected list beyond one year shall be with due justification and by Government approval only. 

Reservations- The existing reservation principles and age relaxation norms of the State covt. will be followed strictly in toto. However, in case of non-availability of required number of candidates inresesed category/ies,the same shall lre refered to Mission Directorate forappropriate decision.If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished falseinformation/documents, his/ her service shall be teminated from the society forthwith.Candidates who have been disengaged from the society on administrative ground such asdisobedience/poor perfomance/misbehavior/cdminal activities etc. /are not eligible to apply.Incomplete application ifany form will be rejected.1.B CompetencyBased Skill Test (CBST). All the candidates in the merit listwould be called in batches (batch sizes-2o/batchl forcodpetency based skill tests.. The candidates will be assessed on llskills and related knowledge base fotlowing oSCE model. All the candidates who will secure>7oolo marks in the skill assessmentvwill be eligible for final recruitment.





2.1, Nature of contract: The above positions are purelly / temporary in nature and also co-terminuswith project period. The contract will be for 11 months and to be renewed based on performance appraisal report.

2.1. Eligibility Criteria: In order to be eligible for recruitment to the post of ANM, a candidateshall have to satis8/ the following conditions, namely

2.2.1. Age limit-S/he must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above the age of32 years as on 01.08.2016 except ASHAS those who have completed l year in the health s,.stemin the State and below the age of 45 years. She shall be allowed to take part in the recruitmentprocess, if having the minimum qualification as required for HW (FJ. However, age relaxation &reservation policy of State covt- is to be followed in toto, for candidates fulfilling criteriaprescribed in the said Policy (except forASHA).

2.2.2. Knowledge ln 0dia- S/he must

a) Be able to read, write and speak Odia;

b)Have passed middle school examination with Odiaas language subject; or

C)Have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium ofexamination in non-language subjec! or

d] Have passed in Odia as language subject in the final examination of class-Vll from aschool or educational institution recognized by the Government ofOdisha or the centralGovernment;

e) Have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by the Schooland Mass Education Depafiment.

2.3. Marital Status: A candidate if marfied must not have more than one spouse livin& providedthat the Government may, if satisfied that there are other specific grounds for allowing suchmarriage exempt any person from the operation of these rules.

2,4. Minimum Educational Qua[ncation: 

The candidate must have passed the H.S.C. examination& shall have completed ANM course from institutions recognized by Gorvt. and approved by INC and must have registered in the Odisha nursing council.

2,5. Physical Fitness: A candidate must be of good mental and physical health and free lrom anyphysical defects likely to make her incapable of discharging her normal duties in the Service.A candidate who after such medical examination as the Government may prescribe is not found to satisE/the requirements shall not be appointed to the Service.

2,6. Registration - 

The candidate must have legistered her/his name in Nursing Council in the State and have possessed valid registration certificates as on the date of advertisement,

2.7. Process of finalization of Merit list

2.7.1 Carrier AssessmentThe career assessment would be done forindMdual applicant using following criteria.

Sl. No.       Examinrtion   weightage 
1.              HSC(excluding 4th.       20%
2.            +2 Science(excluding 4th
                  Ontional)equivalent    30%
3.           Diploma in General 
               Nursing and midwifery 
                   Course.                            50%
Total Marks = 100 

Additional Marks forASHAs: ASHAS shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the totalmarks for each completed year ofcontinuous service subject to the maximum of fifteen percentwhich will be added to the marks secured by them for decidingthe merit position.

2.7.2. Validity of Merit list

The select list of the candidates prepared shall be in force for a period of one year only.Extension of such validity of the selected list beyond one year shall be with. duejustification and by Government approval only.

 Reservations =

" The existing reservation principles and age relaxation norms ofthe StateGovt. will be followed strictly in toto. However, in case of non-availability of required numbers of candidates in reserved category/ies, the same shall be referred to MissionDirectorate for appropriate decision.

2,7.4. If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or fumished falseinformation/documents, her service shall be terminated from the society for the will Candidates who have been disengaged from the society on administrative ground such asdisobedience/poor performance/misbehavior/criminal activities etc. /are not eligible toapply. Incomplete application if any form will be rerected.

2.8 Competency Based Skill Test (CBST). 

❍ All the candidates in the merit list would be called in batches [batch sizes-20/batch for competency based skill Test .

❍ The candidates will be assessed on skills and related knowledge base following OSCE model. 

❍ All the candidates who who will secure>70% mark in the skill assessment will be eligible for final recruitment.



1. S/he must be a citizen of India. 

2. The Engagement is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof

3. Candidates appointed on contractual basis will no claim for inter-district transfer.

4. Only Resident Cetificate issued by the competent Authority within 6 month of last dateof receipt ofapplication i.e. 08.09.2016.

5. No undertaking for production ofany document at a later date will be considered.

6. Candidates who have been disengaged fiom the Society on administrative ground suchas disobedience / poor performance / Mis-behavior / criminal activities etc. are noteligible to apply. No. personal correspondence / enquiry will be entertained in thismanner.,




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