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Total Questions=50                                    Time - 1 hour
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Q. 1. The amount of solution for retain enema in adult is ?
A. 100-150 ml✔
B. 50-100 ml
C. 250-500 ml
D. 500-1000 ml
Q.2. The size of rectal tube to giving a enema in an adult ??
A. 12 f
B. 14 f
C. 18 f
D. 22 f*
Q.3. Use of kayexalte Enema to treat .....?
A. Hyperkalamia 
B. Hypercalcemia
C. Hypocalcemia 
D. Hypokalamia

Q.4. Which enema is used to check (stop) diarrhoea?
A. Purgative enema 
B. Emollient enema 
C. Carminative enema 
D. Astringent enema
Q.5. Which enema is used to make diagnosis ?
A. Purgative enema 
B. Barium enema 
C. Carminative enema 
D. Astringent enema
Q.6. Which enema is used to relive inflammation and prevent
 bleeding ?
A. Purgative enema 
B. Cold enema 
C. Carminative enema 
D. Astringent enema 
Q.7. Which of following enema is also known as
 antispasmodic enema ?
A. Purgative enema 
B. Cold enema 
C. Carminative enema 
D. Astringent enema✔✔
Q8. Which type of enema is used to relive gases
 distension/flatus ?
A. Purgative enema 
B. Cold enema 
C. Carminative enema *
D. Astringent enema
Q. 9.Which type of enema is used to induce peristaltic ?
A. Purgative enema *
B. Cold enema 
C. Carminative enema 
D. Astringent enema
Q10. In acid base imbalance which regulatory system react first ?
A. Buffer *
B. Lungs 
C. Kidney 
D. None of them
STAFF NURSE MODEL QUESTION PAPER -4 ________________________________________________
Q. 11. Route of transmission of hepatitis A virus ?
A. Infected needle 
B. Infected blood transfusion 
C. Feco oral *
D. Unprotected sexual intercourse
Q. 12. Which hepatitis virus can replicated in the presence
 of HCV ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis D✔

Q. 13. Which hepatitis is known as serum hepatitis ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B✔
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
Q. 14. Which hepatitis's virus is A DNA virus ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B✔
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E

Q. 15. Which hepatitis is known as post transfusional hepatitis ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C ✔
D. Hepatitis E

Q.16. Which hepatitis is more dangerous during pregnancy ?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E


Q. 17. Which type of hepatitis is known as infectious hepatitis ?
A. Hepatitis A✔
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E
Q.18. Primary signs of of hepatitis ?
A. Nausea,vomiting,anorexia ✔
B. Jaundice
C. Fatigue
D. Dark colors skin and urine


Q.19. Visualization of Rectum is____?
A. Colonoscopy
B. Sigmoidoscopy
C. Proctoscopy ✔
D. Anoscopy


Q.20. When some impulse does not reach from AV node to 
ventricle,which type of heart block may diagnose ?
A. First degree
B. Second degree ✔
C. Third degree
D. Complete heart block

Q. 21. A Dysrrhythmia in which SA Node is Not a pasemaker and 
other muscles produce the impluse (Ectopic Foci ) is known as?
A. Atopic dysrrhythmia ✔
B. Sinus tachycardia
C. Respiratory sinus dysrrhythmia
D.. Sinus bradycardia
Q. 22. Commonest risk factor for DVT ??
A. Genetic predisposing
B. After surgery
C. Post partum ✔
D. Pregnancy
Q.23. OSCLER'S NODE are the symptoms of ?
A. Pericarditis
B. Myocarditis 
C. Endocarditis✔
D. Kidney failure
Q.24. Dresseler syndrome is associated with ?
A. MI✔
B. Angina
C. Heart block
D. Hypertension

Q. 25. Most common site (location ) of MI??
A. Posterior wall of left ventricle
B. Anterior wall of right atrium
C. Posterior wall of right ventricle
D. Anterior wall of left ventricle✔

Q. 26. Which is priority management of a patient with MI;
A. Morphine sulphate
B. Oxygen administration ✔
D. Aspirin
. Q.27. Which are the most common complication of MI?
A. Cardiogenic shock
B. Recurrent MI
C. Dysrrhythmia

Q. 28.Which is the most specific and sensitive cardiac
marker for myocardial damage ?
A. Ck-Mb 
B. Troponine ✔
D. Myoglobin
Q. 29. Which are the most common cause of MI??
A. Coronary artery embolism
B. Coronary artery thrombus ✔
C. Coronary artery spasm
D. Severe anemia
Q.30. Which is most common complication seen after the
A. Hypo tension
B. Arrhythmias
C. Peripheral oedema✔
Q.31. Primary organ for metabolism of drugs is??
A. Kidney
B. Liver ✔
C. Pancreas
D. Small intestine
Q. 32. Which is common diagnostic procedure to find the
 location of MI?
C. Coronary angiographY

Q. 33. Contraindication of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
,Except ;
A. An uncooperative patient
B. Metallic implant
C. Artificial pacemaker
D. Pregnancy

Q.34. Which procedure is used to findout the size of heart's
 chambers (hypertrophy /dilatation )???
A. Cardiac catheterization
B. Eco cardiography✔
Q. 35.Which of the following is Not a modifiable risk factor of CAD?
A. Obesity
B. Stress
C. Family history ✔
D. Smoking
Q. 36. Which of the following is not a Coronary artery disorder ?
A. Aoronary atherosclerosis
B. Angina
C. Congestive heart failure ✔
D. Myocardial infraction
A. 37. The Amount of blood which are ejected by each ventricle 
during every beat is known as ?
A. End Diastolic volume
B. Cardiac output ✔
C. Stroke volume
D. End systolic volume

Q. 38. Apical pulse can be heard at?
A. Aortic area
B. Pulmonary area
C. Tricuspid area
✔D. Mitral area


Q. 39. First Heart sound's ( LUBB ) origen is ?
A. Closer of AV valve ✔
B. Closer of semilunar valve
C. Atrial muscle
contraction ...


Q.40.which phase of ventricular diastole is prior phase ?
✔A. Proto diastole

B. Isovolumic relaxation
C. Rapid filling
D. Slow filling
Q.41. If heart rate is 100 beat per minute then duration of cardiac
 cycle is ?
A. 0.8 sec
B. 0.6 sec ✔
C. 0.08 sec
D. 1.6 sec
Q.42. In An ECG report,P- Wave Represents ??
A. Atrial depolarization ✔
B. Ventricle depolarization
C. Atrial repolarization
D. Impulse time from atrium to ventricle
Q.43. A machine by which the electric activity of heart are recorded
 is called ??

B. Electrocardiogram
C. Electrocardiography
D. Eco cardiogram
Q. 44. Impulse Rate of A-V Node is ___?
A. 60-100 beat per minute
B. 40-60 beat per minute ✔
C. 20-30 beat per minute
D. 30-40 beat per minute


Q. 45. A-V Node are present in which chamber of Heart ?
A. Right Atrium✔
B. Right ventricle
C. Left Atrium
D. Left ventricle
Q. 46. Total amount of pericardial fluid is?
A. 5-20 ml ✔
B. 20-50 ml
C. 30-60 ml
D. 40-70 ml
Q. 47. Increased size of cell after full development is known as?
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypertrophy ✔
C. Metaplasia
D. Dis plasia

Q. 48. The term Apoptosis Means?
A. Irreversible cellular injury
B. Programmed cell death ✔
C. Decreased oxygen supply to tissue
D. Reversible cellular injury



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