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                            STAFF NURSE EXAM MODEL QUESTION PAPER-4

Time: 50 Minutes                                                                               Total Questions:50

Q.1. Which of the following vein is not a branch of portal vein ?
    A. Spleenicvein
    B. Superior mesiantric
    C. Gastric vein
    D. Hepatic vein✓

Q.2. Which layer is responsible for vaso contraction and dilation
 of artery ?
    A. Tunica intima
    B. Tunica media✓
    C. Tunica externa (tunica adventia )
    D. All of above


Q.3. A Normal female who's father is is hemophiliac, marry a
 Normal male,the probability of male child to becoming hemophiliac?
    A. 0%
    B. 25%
    C. 50%✓
    D. 75%


Q.4. Which type of hemophilia is most common ?
    A. Classical hemophilia ( hemophilia A)√
    B. Hemophilia B
    C. Both A and B common 
    D none of them


Q.5. Chelation therapy used in a patient with Thallessamia patient,
the nurse knows that this therapy is used ??
    A. To Treat anemia
    B. To treat hemolysis
    C. To treat jaundice
    D. To treat iron over load✓


Q.6.Cooley's Anemia is also known as ?
    A. Alfa thallessemia
    B. Beta thallessemia*✓
    C. Sickle cell Anemia
    D. Hemophilia

Q.7. If patents blood group is Rh+ then possibility of Rh- blood
 group in children?
    A. 25%✓
    B. 0%
    C. 50%
    D. 75%


Q.8. Which Anticoagulant is A Natural anticoagulant?
    A. Heparin✓
    B. Warfarin
    C. EDTA
    D. Citrate

Q.9.  MCV (means corpuscular volume indicates ;
    A. Amount of RBC
    B. SiZe of RBC✓
    C. Amount of HB
    D. Number of WBC


Q.10.. Morphology of RBC in Megaloblastic anemia ?
    A. Macrocytic& hypochromic✓
    B. Macrocytic& normochromic
    C. Microcytic & hypochromic
    D. Normocytic & Normochromic


Q. 11. Largest blood cell?
    B. Monocyte
    C. Platelets 
    D. Basophill

    A. RBC

Q. 12. Which of the following is characteristics feature of ALL
    A. They have lobed nucleus 
    B. They have Nucleated ✓
    C. They are phagocytic in nature 
    D. They have cytoplasmic granules


Q. 13. Widest skeleton muscle ?
    A. Gluteus muscle 
    B. Stapedius muscle 
    C. Sartorius muscle 
    D. Latissmus dorsi✓

Q.14.Strongest skeleton muscle ?
    A. Gluteus muscle 
    B. Stapedius muscle 
    C. Sartorius muscle 
    D. Masseter ✓


Q.15. Longest skeleton muscle ?
    A. Gluteus muscle 
    B. Stapedius muscle 
    C. Sartorius muscle ✓
    D. Masseter ...




Q. 18. Which of the following is a example of false connective tissue ?

    A. Bone
    B. Blood✓
    C. Cartilage
    D. None of them

Q. 19. Maximum transverse diameter of fetal skull  is ?
A. Biparital diameter ✓
B. Bitemporal diameter 
C. Bi mastoid diameter 
D. None of them

Q.20 . Maximum anterio-posterior diameter of fetal head is??
A. Subocciputo-bregmetic
B. Subocciputo-frontalis 
C. Mento-vertical✓
D. Submento-bregmetic 


Q.21. Detrusor Muscles are find in ?
    A. Ureter 
    B. Urethra 
    C. Urinary bladder✓

    D. Uterus

Q.22. Normal adult urine Output per day?
    A. 1000ml
    B. 1500ml✓
    C. 2000ml

    D. 2500ml

Q.23. KUB Radiography is a X-Ray of?
    A. Kidneys,ureters and bladder.✓
    B. Kidneys,urrthra and bladder.
    C. Kidneys,ureter and bones.

    D. Kidneys,uterus and bladder.
Q. 24.. VANILLYLMANDELIC Acid (VMA) test is performed
 to diagnose ?
    A. Pheochromocytoma
    B. Kidney tumor 
    C. Bladder cancer 

    D. CRF
: Q.25.commest cause of abruptio Placentae ?
A. Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy ✓
B. Trauma 
C. Short umbilical cord 
D. Premature rupture of membranE

 Q.26 Which type of placenta previa is known as dangerous
 placenta previa ?
A. Type 1st 
B. Type 2nd posterior✓
C. Type 3rd 
D. Type 4th 
 Q. 27.When the placenta is implanted in lower uterine segment
 but does not reaches to the internal OS; it is ??
A. Low laying placenta previa ✓
B. Marginal placenta previa 
C. Partial placenta previa 
D. Complete placenta previa
 Q 28. Which of the following is not A absolute indication
 of Cesarean Section (C.S.)
A. Central placenta previa 
B. Contracted pelvis 
C. Vaginal stenosi
D. Previous C.S✓
 Q.29. Which stage of labour is Known as " GOLDEN PERIOD OF LABOUR" ?
A. First stage 
B. Second stage 
C. 3rd stage 
D. 4th stage✓
Q.3o.. Tongue bite is common in which phase of seizure ?
A. Pre monitory phase 
B. Tonic phase 
C. Clonic phase ✓
D. Stage of coma  
Q. 31. . Most important parameter of modified bishops
 scoring system ?
A. Head station 
B. Cervical dilatation✓
C. Consistency
D. Position

 Q. 32. Fertilization of two different ova released in different
 menstrual cycle,is known as ?
A. Super feuandation 
B. Super fetation ✓
C. Fetus acardius 
D. Fetus vanishing 
Q.33. 4P" related to labour are given below ; which word denotes the uterine contraction ?
A. Power ✓
B. Passage 
C. Passenger 
C. Psyche     
 Q.34 A pregnant lady comes in antenatal unit first time and reports
 thats she have vaginal discharges,abdominal distension and
 expulsion of vesicles (grapes like). Doctor suggest USG, on USG
 there is snow stome appearance (or honeycomb appearance ).
According to USG report most likely diagnosis is?
A. Choriocarcinoma 
B. Invasive mole 
C. Placental side tumor 
D. Hydatidiform   mole✓   
 Q.35. When 5 fetus develops in uterus it is known as ?
A. Quadruplets pregnancy 
B. Quintuplets pregnancy ✓
C. Sextupletes pregnancy 
D. Pantuplets pregnancy

 Q. 36. Most common form of tubal pregnancy in ectopic pregnancy ?
A. Interstitial
B. Isthmus 
C. Ampula✓
D. Infundibular      
 Q. 37. Most common type of ectopic pregnancy ?
A. Ovarian pregnancy 
B. Tubal pregnancy ✓
C. Abdominal pregnancy 
D. Cervical pregnancy
 Q. 38. Under MTP Act- 1971,consent needed of  ?
A. Husband 
C. Legal guardian 
D. Parents

 Q. 39. Which of the following is a humanitarian indication of MTP  ??
A. Rape in minor girls ,major girls and Lunatic mother✓
B. Contraception failure in married couple 
C. Fetus with structural,chromosomal and functuonal disorder 
D. Conditions which make life of mother in danger     
Q. 40. MTP act passed by parliament in which year??
A. 1975
B. 1971 ✓
C. 1972 
D. 1977 
 Q.41. Metroplasty (for adhesion removal) is done in which type of
 abortion ?
A. Missed abortion 
B. Complete abortion 
D. Threatened abortion

 Q.42. Most common cause of habitual abortion in 2nd trimester ??
A. Incompetent  internal OS ✓
B. Genetic abnormalities 
C. Trauma to uterus 
D. Drugs

RATIONALS: Correct Answer is A 

Most common cause of habitual abortion in first trimester is genetic abnormalities 
And in second trimester Incompetent internal os is most common.
Q. 43. When the fundus and cervix comes down but remain in vagina;
which type of inversion of uterus ;
A. First degree 
B. Second degree✓
C. Third degree 
D. Forth degree
 Q. 44. Rule 30" is used in ?
B. PPH ✓
C. Retention of placenta 
D. Shock 

Q.45. Most common cause of PPH ?
A. Trauma 
C. Blood coagulation disorder 
D. APH          
Q. 46. Ovulations accurs in lactating woman after delivery as soon as;
A. 4 weeks 
B. 10 weeks✓
C. 3 weeks 
D. 6 weeks

RATIONALS:  Correct Answer is B 10 weeks 

In non lactating women ovulation can accurs as soon as 4 WEEKS and in  LACTATING women ovulation accurs by 10 weeks. 

Breast feeding is a NATURAL CONTRACEPTION method which offers 98% Protection.
Q.47.Which statement is correct about Excessive lochia ?
A. Menstrual pad become wet below 2.5 cm in one hour 
B. Menstrual pad become wet 15 cm in an hour 
C. Menstrual pad become saturated in one hour 
D. Menstrual pad become saturated in 15 min.✓

RATIONALS: Correct Answer is D

When menstrual pad become wet below 2.5 cm in an hour it is SCANTY LOCHIA 

When menstrual pad become wet below 10 cm in hour it is LIGHT LOCHIA 
When menstrual pad become wet below 15 cm in an hour it is MODERATE LOCHIA 
 When menstrual pad become Saturated in one hour it is HEAVY LOCHIA 
When menstrual pad become Saturated in 15 minute it is EXCESSIVE LOCHIA

Q.48. All the organ show Involution during normal puerperium  EXCEPT:
A. Uterus
B. Vagina
C. Mammary glands✓
D. All of the above
 Q.49. Episitomy should be done in which stage of labour?
A. First stage 
C. Third stage 
D. Forth stage
 Q.50. According to the shape of Inlet,which type of female pelvis is common ?
A. Android 
B. Anthropoid 
