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Download KPSC Staff Nurse Exam 2017 Question Paper Pdf

Q. 01 The life span of a sperm is – 

[A] 48 to 72 hours  

[B] 24 to 48 hours  

[C] 12 to 24 hours  

[D] 0 to 12 hours  

Q. 02 A client is receiving Aminophylline intravenously to relieve severe asthma. Observe the client for- 
[A] Hypotension  
[B] Decreased urinary output  
[C] Visual disturbances  
[D] Decreased pulse rate  
Q. 03 The volume of Amniotic fluid at term is – 
[A] 600 to 800 ml 
[B] 300 to 500 ml 
[C] 100 to 200 ml 
[D] 50 to 100 ml  

Q. 04 A thin fibrous ring present at the margin of the chorionic plate is – 
[A] Placenta circumvallate  
[B] Placenta succentrata  
[C] Velamentous insertion  
[D] Placenta marginata  
Q. 05 Regular rhythmic uterine contraction elicited during bimanual Examination is – 
[A] Heger’s sign 
[B] Palmer’s sign 
[C] Piskacak’s sign 
[D] Jacqmer’s sign 

Q. 06 Biochemical marker of Preeclampsia is – 
[A] Serum uric acid 
[B] Serum sodium  
[C] Proteinuria 
[D] Serum creatinine  
Q. 07 After a thoracentesis, observe the client for – 
[A] Expectoration of blood  
[B] Periods of confusion  
[C] Decreased respiratory rate  
[D] Increased breath sounds  
Q. 08 Most common complication of third stage of labour is- 
[A] Sub involution  
[B] Bleeding  
[C] Shock 
[D] Perforation  
Q. 09 The term ‘Saturated and unsaturated fats’ are related to degree of – 
[A] Colour  
[B] Taste  
[C] Density  
[D] Digestibility  

Q. 10 Softening of cervix during pregnancy is – 
[A] Chadwick’s sign 
[B] Chvostek’s sign  
[C] Goodell’s sign 
[D] Osiander’s sing  
Q. 11 Dark brown colour of amniotic fluid indicates- 
[A] Post Maturity  
[B] Accidental hemorrhage  
[C] Intra uterine death  
[D] Rh incompatibility  

Q. 12 Active foetal movement felt by the mother is – 
[A] Softening  
[B] Ballotment  
[C] Quickening  
[D] Lightening  
Q. 13 Natural aging of a lake by nutrient enrichment of its water is called- 
[A] Biochemical oxygen demand  
[B] Biomagnification  
[C] Algal bloom 
[D] Eutrophication  

Q. 14 The pioneer species in a terrestrial Xerarch, ecological succession is always – 
[A] Algae  
[B] Moss 
[C] Ferns  
[D] Lichen 

Q. 15 ‘The allelic frequencies of a large population remains constant if there is no selection, migration, mutation and recombination’ This  principle is put forward by – 
[A] Hugode Vries  
[B] Carl Linnaeus  
[C] Charles Darwin  
[D] Hardy-Weinberg  
Q. 16 Which Among the following is not included in cushing’s triad – 
[A] Bradycardia  
[B] Bradypnea  
[C] Hyperthermia 
[D] widened pulse pressure  

Q. 17 The blood test to be monitored in patients receiving oral anticoagulants is –  
[A] WBC count  
[B] Prothrombin time  
[C] APTT  
[D] Platelets  
Q. 18 Which among the following food item is restricted in renal failure – 
[A] Protein  
[B] Carbohydrate  
[C] Fat  
[D] vitamins  

Q. 19 Short shuffling gait is characteristically seen in – 
[A] Myasthenia gravis  
[B] Alzeimer’s disease  
[C] Parkinson’s disease  
[D] Multiple sclerosis  
Q. 20 The position provided to a client after tonsillectomy is –  
[A] Fowler’s position  
[B] Trendelenberg position  
[C] Supine position  
[D] Left lateral position  

Q. 21 Name the disease caused by the deficiency of the hormone insulin –  
[A] Down’s syndrome  
[B] Diabetes Mellitus  
[C] Diabetes Incipidus  
[D] Klinefelter;s syndrome  

Q. 22 The intraocular pressure is measured by using – 
[A] Snellen’s chart  
[B] Tonometer  
[C] Ophthalmoscope  
[D] Endoscope  

Q. 23 Major protein digesting enzyme present in the pancreatic juice is – 
[A] Pepsin  
[B] Trypsin 
[C] Dipeptidase  
[D] Aminopeptidase   
Q. 24 The milk produced during the initial few days of lactation is called – 
[A] Coloumn  
[B] Colon  
[C] Colostrum  
[D] Lactating milk

Q. 25 Which of the following drug is not used in the management of hyperkaleamia – 
[A] Calcium gluconate  
[B] Atropine sulphate  
[C] Salbutamol  
[D] Sodium bicarbonate  
Q. 26 Select a stop codon of translation from the following alternatives – 
[A] GAU 
[B] UAA 
[C] AUG 
[D] GUA 

Q. 27 The type of stroke that can develop in a patient with chronic atrial fibrillation is – 
[A] Mini Stroke  
[B] Embolic stroke  
[C] Haemorrhagic stroke  
[D] Thrombotic stroke  

Q. 28 The Type of shock occurs in the acute stage of burns is –  
[A] Anaphylactic shock  
[B] Hypovolemic shock  
[C] Distributive shock  
[D] Septic shock  

Q. 29 The Antidote of paracetamol is -  
[A] Cyclosporin 
[B] Diclofenac  
[C] N-acetylcysteine  
[D] Cyclophosphamide  

Q. 30 Tardive dyskinesia is a – 
[A] Cause of dementia  
[B] Psychosomatic disorder  
[C] Cause of Mania  
[D] Side effect of antipsychotics  
Q.31 Which of the following clinic is conducted in primary Health Center under NRHM for life style diseases – 
[A] Diabetic clinic  
[B] NCD clinic  
[C] Pain and Palliative clinic  
[D] Hypertensive clinic  
Q.32 Which type of hallucinations are common in schizophrenia – 
[A] Tactile  
[B] Auditory  
[C] Visual  
[D] Olfactory  

Q. 33 Which of the following vaccination is recently recommended for adolescent girls – 
[A] Tetanus toxoid  
[B] MMR vaccine  
[C] Rubella vaccine  
[D] Penta vaccine  
Q. 34 Delusion is a disorder of – 
[A] Perception  
[B] Memory  
[C] Thought  
[D] Orientation  
Q. 35 Mr. A is undergoing chest physiotherapy after CABG. Which of the following levels of prevention it illustrates – 
[A] Primordial  
[B] Primary  
[C] Secondary  
[D] Tertiary  

Q. 36 Which of the following activities carried out at the PHC level for the prevention and control of vector born diseases – 

[A] DEC treatment  

[B] Source reduction  

[C] DOTS therapy  

[D] Mass treatment  

Q. 37 Red current jelly stool is seen in –  
[A] Mackel’s diverticulum  
[B] Malabsorption  
[C] Volvulus  
[D] Intussusception  

Q. 38 Projectile vomiting is a clinical feature of which gastro intestinal condition – 
[A] Cleft lip and palate  
[B] Pyloric stenosis  
[C] Tracheo esophageal fistula  
[D] Anorectal malformation  
Q. 39 Birth weight of a child triples by – 
[A] One and half years 
[B] Two years  
[C] One year 
[D] Six months  
Q. 40 The test used to detect hip instability is – 
[A] Phalan test  
[B] Alen test  
[C] Weber test  
[D] Barlow’s test  
Q. 41 Which is the drug used for the closure of PDA – 
[A] Dopamine  
[B] Immunoglobulin  
[C] Phenobarbitone  
[D] Indomethacine  
Q. 42 The World Health Day theme for 2014 is – 
[A] Healthy blood pressure, aging and health  
[B] Progress on drinking water and sanitation  
[C] Safe blood for saving mothers  
[D] Small bite, big threat  

Q. 43 Surgical intervention for hydrocephalus is – 
[A] BT Shunt  
[B] VP Shunt 
[C] Bidirectional shunt  
[D] Glen shunt  
Q. 44 The Number of doses of vitamin A syrup, a five year old child does receive – 
[A] Ten  
[B] Nine  
[C] Eight 
[D] Seven  
Q. 45 Gomez classification is used to grade the condition of children in – 
[A] Prematurity  
[B] Respiratory distress 
[C] Protein energy malnutrition  
[D] Cardiac disorders  
Q. 46 Which vitamin deficiency in antenatal period is associated with congenital neural tube defects – 
[A] Thiamine  
[B] Folic acid  
[C] Vitamin K 
[D] Vitamin D 

Q. 47 Which is the predisposing condition for the occurrence of rheumatic fever in children – 
[A] Rhinitis  
[B] Chondritis  
[C] Pharyngitis  
[D] Otitismedia  

Q. 48 Which of the following vitamin deficiency cause Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome – 
[A] Vitamin B6 
[B] Vitamin B3 
[C] Vitamin B2 
[D] Vitamin B1 
Q. 49 Which country shares longest border with India – 
[A] Pakistan 
[B] China  
[C] Bangladesh  
[D] Nepal  
Q. 50 Which is the lowest mountain pass in the western ghats – 
[A] Thamarassery pass  
[B] Nathula pass 
[C] Khyber pass  
[D] Palakkad pass  
Q. 51 Neolithic cave site of Edakkal is situated in which district of Kerala – 
[A] Idukki 
[B] Wayanad  
[C] Kannur  
[D] Kollam  
Q. 52 Siachen Glacier located in which mountain range – 
[A] Satpura  
[B] Aravalli 
[C] Vindhya 
[D] Eastern karakoram  

Q. 53 ‘Jeevitham thanne santhesham’is the biography of which social reformer – 
[A] Thycaud Ayya  
[B] Chavara Kuriakose Elias  
[C] Sree Narayana Guru 
[D] Poikayil Yohannan  
Q. 54 In which Indian state, the tropic of cancer does not passes – 
[A] Maharashtra  
[B] Rajasthan  
[C] Tripura  
[D] Gujrat  
Q. 55 Which among the following not related to Ayyankali – 
[A] Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam  
[B] Member of Sree Mulam Praja Sabha  
[C] SNDP  
[D] Villuvandi Agitation 
Q. 56 Which among the following rivers in Kerala flows towards west –  
[A] Kabani  
[B] Pambar  
[C] Periyar  
[D] Bhavani  
Q. 57 Which country will be hosting the 8th BRICS Summit in 2016 – 
[A] India  
[B] Russia  
[C] China  
[D] Brazil  

Q. 58 ‘Jallian Wala Bagh’ is situated in which state –  
[A] Orissa  
[B] Bengal  
[C] Punjab  
[D] Bihar  

Q. 59 Which gave the leadership for Ezhava Memorial in 1896 – 
[A] Kumara Guru  
[B] Ramakrishna Pillai  
[C] Dr. Palpu  
[D] Mannathu Padmanabhan  
Q. 60  In Which year RIN Revolt occurred – 
[A] 1930 
[B] 1945 
[C] 1946 
[D] 1947 
Q. 61 Who published the Arabic-Malayalam monthly called AI Islam- 
[A] Abdur Rahiman  
[B] Sithi Koya Thangal  
[C] Ali Musaliyar  
[D] Abdul khadir Moulavi  

Q. 62 Which is the period of 12th five year plan of India – 
[A] 2011-2016 
[B] 2012-2016 
[C] 2012-2017 
[D] 2013-2018 
Q. 63 Which among the following is not the work of Pandit Karuppan – 
[A] Jathi Kummi  
[B] Cithralekha 
[C] Veena Poovu  
[D] Balakalesam  
Q. 64 The Indian  State having the least poverty rate as per the annual report of RBI published on 2013- 
[A] Goa  
[B] Assam  
[C] Arunachal Pradesh  
[D] Gujarat  
Q. 65 India’s 1st Earthquake warning system installed in which state – 
[A] Orissa  
[B] Bihar  
[C] Madhya Pradesh  
[D] Uttarakhand  

Q. 66 When a wave travels from one medium to another medium, which of the following quantity remains the same – 
[A] Frequency  
[B] Intensity  
[C] Wavelength  
[D] Velocity 
Q. 67 The responses of plants to periods of day and night is termed as –  
[A] Respiration  
[B] Photoperiodism  
[C] Vernalisation  
[D] Photosynthesis  

Q. 68 Who won sixth Wimbledon women’s single title 2015- 
[A] Sania Mirza  
[B] Martina Hingis  
[C] Serena Williams  
[D] Garbine Muguruza  
Q. 69 Equimolar solution in the same solvent have – 
[A] Different boiling point and different freezing point  
[B] Same boiling but different freezing point  
[C] Same freezing point but different boiling point  
[D] Same boiling point and same freezing point    
Q. 70 Which of the following is not a Macronutrient – 
[A] Calcium  
[B] Iron  
[C] Nitrogen  
[D] Potassium  

Q. 71 Who won Vayalar Award 2014 – 
[A] K.R. Meera  
[B] K.P. Ramanunni 
[C] Prabha Varma   
[D] Thomas Methew   
Q. 72 The fruit which is developed from a Monocarpellary superior ovary is – 
[A] Berry  
[B] Pepo 
[C] Capsule  
[D] Drupe  
Q. 73 Which of the following reaction will not result in the formation of C-C bond – 
[A] Wurtz reaction  
[B] Reimer-Tiemann reaction  
[C] Friedel-Craft’s reaction  
[D] Cannizaro reaction  
Q. 74 The geo stationery satellite are moving from – 
[A] North to south  
[B] South to north  
[C] West to east  
[D] East to west  
Q. 75 ‘Noolppalam’ is the last film of the actor who died on January 2015- 
[A] Jose Prakash  
[B] N.L. Balakrishnan 
[C] Augustine  
[D] Mala Aravindan  

Q. 76 Which one of the following is not a condensation polymer- 
[A] Melamine  
[B] Terylene 
[C] Bakelite 
[D] Neoprene 
Q. 77 The color of thin film is due to – 
[A] Interference  
[B] Refraction of light  
[C] Diffraction of light  
[D] Reflection of light  
Q. 78 Of the two bulbs in a house, one glow brighter than the other. Which of two has higher resistance- 
[A] The dim bulb  
[B] Both have same resistance  
[C] Brightness does not depends upon the resistance  
[D] The bright bulb  
Q. 79 The Number of octahedral void per atom present in a cubic close packed structure is- 
[A] 1 
[B] 2 
[C] 3 
[D] 4 

Q. 80 Tincture of iodine is – 
[A] Aqueous solution of KI 
[B] Aqueous solution of ‘I2’ 
[C] Solution of ‘I2’ in aqueous KI 
[D] Alcoholic solution of ‘I2’  
Q. 81 In nuclear reactor, cadmium rods are used to control the reaction. Because – 
[A] It slow down reaction   
[B] It emits neutrons  
[C] It absorbs neutrons  
[D] It neutralizes the reactor materials  

Q. 82 Expansion of PPE- 
[A] Personal Protective Equipment  
[B] Personal Protective Environment  
[C] Primary Protective Equipment  
[D] Patient Protective Environment  
Q. 83 Most Common post operative psychiatric condition is – 
[A] Depression  
[B] Delirium 
[C] Mania 
[D] Schizophrenia  

Q. 84 Agoraphobia is dread of – 
[A] Strong light  
[B] Open places  
[C] Pain  
[D] Strangers 
Q. 85 Which lab test is to be monitored while the client is on treatment with Aminoglycocides- 
[A] Platelets  
[B] Hemoglobin  
[C] S. bilirubin  
[D] S. creatinine  
Q. 86 Synchronizer switch is in off position in – 
[A] Intubation  
[B] Defibrillation  
[C] Cardioversion  
[D] Pacing  
Q. 87 Order of hand washing is – 
[A] Palm, back of hand, wrist 
[B] Palm, wrist, back of hand  
[C] Back of hand, wrist, palm 
[D] Wrist, palm, back of hand  
Q. 88 The oncogenes which are present in cancer of breast is – 
[A] PSA 
[C] Alpha FP 

Q. 89 The most lethal arrhythmia is – 
[A] Ventricular fibrillation  
[B] Atrial tachycardia 
[C] Supra ventricular tachycardia  
[D] Sinus arrhythmia 
Q. 90 Electro Convulsive therapy was first introduced by- 
[A] Moniz and Lima  
[B] Meduna and Paracelsus 
[C] Cerletti and Bini 
[D] Fraud and Jung  
Q. 91 A specific mask used for preventing ‘H1N1’is – 
[A] Venturi mask  
[B] Face mask  
[C] Rebreather mask  
[D] HEPA mask  
Q. 92 Contact precautions are used in caring a patient with – 
[A] Dengue  
[B] Pneumonia  
[D] Tetanus 
Q. 93 Who coined the term ‘Schizophrenia’- 
[A] Bleuler 
[B] Sander 
[C] Mayer Gross 
[D] Kraepelin 

Q. 94 Chlorpromazine is usually not administered intravenously as it can cause serious – 
[A] Cerebral oedema 
[B] Dystonia  
[C] Tremors  
[D] Hypotension  
Q. 95 Which is the preferred method of opening the airway of an unconscious patient who may have suffered a neck injury – 
[A] Jaw thrust  
[B] Head tilt, chin left  
[C] Chin left  
[D] Extension of neck  

Q. 96 The position given to a patient with increased intra cranial pressure is – 
[A] Supine position  
[B] Head end elevated to 45 degree  
[C] Head end elevated to 30 degree 
[D] Propped up position  
Q. 97 Which of the following is not a defense mechanism- 
[A] Rationalization  
[B] Displacement  
[C] Sublimation  
[D] Inhibition  

Q. 98 Malignant tumour of the connective tissue is – 
[A] Osteoma 
[B] Melanoma  
[C] Carcinoma  
[D] Sarcoma 

Q. 99 Electro convulsive therapy is contraindicated in – 
[A] Parkinsonism  
[B] Hypertension  
[C] Increased Intracranial pressure  
[D] Pregnancy  
Q. 100 The drug that should only be administered in diluted form is – 
[A] Sodium bi carbonate  
[B] Calcium gluconate  
[C] Potassium chloride   
[D] Sodium chloride 

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