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Q. 1 Florence Nightingale was born in which Country?
A. Italy
B. Germany
C. France
D. England

Q. 2 Which regulatory body is associated with registration of nurses in the state?
A. Indian Nursing Council
B. Indian Medical Association
C. State Nursing Council
D. State Medical Council

Q. 3 Red Cross Society was founded by- _
A. Henry Ford
B. Henry Brown
C. Henry Clyde
D. Henry Durant

Q. 4 'Hospice' is the treatment concept for _?
A. Cardiac patient
B. Terminally ill cancer patients
C. Psychiatric Patient
D. All of the Above
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Q. 5 Power House of the cell is?
A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondria
C. Golgi bodies
D. Ribosome

Q. 6 Transformation of one type of cell into another type is called _?
A. Hyperplasia
B. Metaplasia
C. Anaplasia
D. Dysplasia

Q. 7 'Sinoatrial Node' is located in which part of the heart?

A. Left atrium
B. Right atrium
C. Left ventricle
D. Right ventricle

Q. 8 The number of thoracic vertebrae in human being is _?
A. 12
B. 11
C. 9
D. 7

Q. 9 In a patient of fever ''Fastigium'' is term given to which of the following period?
A. Onset of fever
B. When body temperature is suddenly returning to normal
C. When body temperature has reached its maximum and remains constant
D. When body temperature is gradually returning to normal

Q. 10 In which of the following position, Patient is not lying down?
A. Fowler's position
B. Trendelenburg position
C. Rose position
D. Sim's Position
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Q. 11 'Bleeding gums' is a feature of deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

Q. 12 Above what body temperature, term 'Hyperpyrexia' is used?
A. 101 F
B. 103 F
C. 105 F
D. 107 F

Q. 13 If the phenotypes of the parents is B and AB, which of the following blood
group is not possible in off springs?
A. A
B. B
D. O

Q. 14 Which Infecting serotype of dengue virus is Most dangerous
A. Type 1
B. Type 2
C. Type 3
D. Type 4

Q. 15 Secretion from mother's breast following delivery is called?
A. Lochia
B. Sequestrum
C. Colostrum
D. Leucorrhea

Q. 16 Switching from mother's breast milk to normal feeding in child is called?
A. Trail feeding
B. Weaning
C. Replacement feeding
D. Substitution

Q. 17 During Pregnancy, deficiency of which of the following leads to neural tube
A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Folic Acid
D. Zinc

Q. 18 During which stage of labour, placenta is delivered?
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3
D. Stage 4

Q. 19 According to National Immunization Schedule, immunization for how many

diseases is done in infants?
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4

Q. 20 After delivery, Which of the following medicines can be used to suppress
A. Estrogen - Progesterone
B. Bromocriptine
C. Testosterone
D. All of these

Q. 21 In premature labor, which of the following medicine is useful for the newborn?
A. Magnesium sulphate
B. Testosterone
C. Oxytocin
D. Dexamethasone

Q. 22 "Pap Smear" is used for screening of which of the following?

A. Breast cancer
B. Cervical cancer
C. Ovarian cancer
D. Endometrial cancer

Q. 23 Partograph was first devised by _
A. Dr. William Shaw
B. Dr. Shirodkar
C. Dr. A.L. Mudaliar
D. Dr. R.H. Philpoter

Q. 24 Which abdominal grip is used to assess the descent of head in a pregnant
A. Pelvic 1
B. Pelvic 2
C. Lateral
D. Fundal

Q. 25 Alfred Binet is associated with?
A. Personality testing
B. Attitude testing
C. Intelligence testing
D. Value testing

Q. 26 Which of the following medicine is useful in the treatment of
Organophosphorus poisoning?
A. Atropine
B. Neostigmine
C. Magnesium sulphate
D. D-Penicillamine
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Q. 27 Which of the following medicine is useful for reducing raised intracranial
A. IV phenytoin
B. IV Mannitol
C. IV Diazepam
D. IV Nitroglycerin

Q. 28 The cardiotonic dose of dopamine is?
A. 1-5mg/kg/minute
B. 5-15mg/kg/minute
C. 15-25mg/kg/minute
D. 25-50mg/kg/minute

Q. 29 In case of hypothyroidism, which of the following is increased?
A. T3
B. T4
D. All of these

Q. 30 During hemodialysis, which of the following drug is used to prevent blood
A. Aspirin
B. Heparin
C. Warfarin
D. Protamine

Q. 31 How many deciliters in one liter?
A. 1000
B. 100
C. 10
D. 1

Q. 32 In hospital waste management plastic bag of which colour is not used?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Red
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Q. 33 Blood group was first discovered by _?
A. Robert Koch
B. Paul Ehrlich
C. Anton von lueowen hock
D. Karl landsteiner

Q. 34 Normal Platelets count in human being is _?
A. 4-6 lac
B. 1-4 lac
C. 50-80Thousands
D. 25-50Thousands

Q. 35 Stain used to identify Acid fast Bacillus is?
A. Lieshman
B. Ziel-Nielsen
C. Giemsa
D. Wright's

Q. 36 Benedict's test in a urine sample is done for the detection of _?
A. Acetone
B. Bile salt
C. Bile pigment
D. Glucose

Q. 37 Which of the following formula is correct for conversion of Centigrade to
Fahrenheit temperature?
A. F = (C - (9/5)) + 32
B. F = (C + (9/5)) + 32
C. F = (C X (9/5)) + 32
D. F = (C + (9/5)) + 32

Q. 38 Which of the following formula is correct for calculating Body Mass Index
A. Weight in kg - (Height in meter)2
B. Weight in kg +(Height in meter)2
C. Weight in kg X (Height in meter) 2
D. Weight in kg / (Height in meter)2

Q. 39 When a drug is to be given at bed time which of the following Code
Instructions is used?

Q. 40 The process of assessing patients who come to emergency department and
determining the management priorities is called?
A. Mirage
B. Collage
C. Triage
D. Lavage

Q.41 Tissue reaction is highest with Which of the following suturing Materials -
A. Nylon
B. Plain catgut
C. Vicryl
D. Chromic catgut

Q. 42 Method of Administering a drug by topical friction over skin is called?
A. Instillation
B. Inunction
C. Insertion
D. Insufflation

Q. 43 "Lund and Browder Chart" is used for which of the following conditions?
A. Bums
B. Acute abdomen pain
C. Bone injury
D. Head injury

Q. 44 " Haversian canals " are found in -?
A. Brain
B. Bone
C. Kidney
D. Lung
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Q. 45 Which of the following fontanelle in child is the first to close?
A. Frontal
B. Mastoid
C. Occipital
D. Sphenoid

Q. 46 Tetany can be produced by which of the following electrolyte disturbance?
A. Hyponatremia
B. Hypocalcemia
C. Hypermagnesemia
D. Hypercalcemia

Q. 47 Which of the following ions is most abundant in extracellular fluid?
A. Potassium
B. Chloride
C. Sodium
D. Bicarbonate

Q. 48 Most frequently fractured carpal bone is _?
A. Pisiform
B. Scaphoid
C. Hamate
D. Lunate

Q. 49 Which of the following extraocular muscles is not supplied by third cranial
A. Inferior oblique
B. Superior oblique
C. Inferior rectus
D. Superior rectus

Q. 50 For effective sterilization, steam in Autoclave should be at a pressure of 15
pounds per square inch for 30 minutes and at a temperature of _?
A. 131' C
B. 121' C
C. 110' C
D. 100' C

Q. 51 Mask like face is A typical features of _?
A. Tetanus
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Down syndrome
D. Parkinson’s disease

Q. 52 'Klebs Loeffler Bacillus' is the name of which of the following bacteria?

A. Clostridium tetani
B. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
C. Lactobacillus
D. Hemophilus influenzae

Q. 53 Majority of case of mother-to-Child (Vertical) transmission of HIV-1 Occur
during _?
A. Intrapartum period
B. Antepartum period
C. Postpartum period
D. Breastfeeding

Q. 54 To Calculate the dose of a medicine for a child which of the following formula
is used?
A. Young's rule
B. Clark's rule
C. Fried's rule
D. All of them

Q. 55 "Guillain Barre" Syndrome is a disease of which of the following?
A. Brain
B. Peripheral nerve
C. Spinal cord
D. All of the Above

Q. 56 Which of the following is not a parameter for 'Glasgow Coma Scale'?
A. Eye opening
B. Verbal response
C. Pupillary response
D. Motor response

Q. 57 Which of the following is not a species of plasmodium parasite?
A. Plasmodium ovale
B. Plasmodium malariae
C. Plasmodium mexicana
D. Plasmodium vivax

Q. 58 Life cycle of malarial parasite was first described by _?
A. Robert Koch
B. Ronald Ross
C. Banting and Best
D. Louis Pasteur

Q. 59 Which of the following is recommended along with intravenous administration
of Quinine sulphate for treatment of malaria?
A. Glucose
B. Multivitamin
C. Hydrocortisone
D. Calcium gluconate

Q. 60 'Rice Water stools' is a typical finding in case of __?
A. Typhoid
B. Ulcerative colitis
C. Amebiasis
D. Cholera

Q. 61 Out of the following which Hormone is secreted by the posterior pituitary
A. Growth Hormone
D. Prolactin

Q. 62 Which of the following drugs should be given first in a patient of acute
myocardial Infarction?
A. Statin
B. Aspirin
C. ACE inhibitors
D. calcium Channel blocker

Q. 63 "McBurney's point is located in which of the following Quadrant of abdomen?
A. Right upper
B. Right Lower
C. Left lower
D. Left upper
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Q. 64 'MMR vaccine' provides protection against all of the following diseases
A. Mumps
B. Meningococcal meningitis
C. Rubella
D. Rebeola

Q. 65 HIV virus belongs to which of the following groups?
A. Rhabdovirus
B. Retrovirus
C. Hepadnavirus
D. Flavivirus

Q. 66 Which of the following diseases is not transmitted by Airborne droplets?
A. Measles
B. Tuberculosis
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Chickenpox

Q. 67 Under normal circumstances, the volume of Inspired Air is __?
A. 500ml
B. 400ml
C. 300ml
D. 200ml

Q. 68 What Concentration of NaCl in Intravenous fluids is termed as Isotonic?
A. 0.25%
B. 0.45%
C. 0.75%
D. 0.90%

Q. 69 While measuring blood pressure in Upper arm, the chest piece of stethoscope is
placed over which of the following arteries?
A. Ulnar
B. Axillary
C. Brachial
D. Radial

Q. 70 How much blood is drawn from a donor when one unit of blood is donated?
A. 400ml
B. 300ml
C. 200ml
D. 100ml

Q. 71 The Ancient Name of Bayana is __?
A. Virat
B. Shri Panth
C. Kothi
D. Harauti

Q. 72 Who led the Swadeshi Movement at Sirohi, Dungarpur Mewarand Banswara?
A. Govind Giri
B. Gopal Singh kharwa
C. Arjun lal Sethi
D. Vijay Singh pathik

Q. 73 Historical and cultural Research Institute of Arabian-persian language is
situated at _?
A. Ajmer
B. Tonk
C. Jaipur
D. Jodhpur

Q. 74 The Jaswant sagar Dam which was in the news during the mansoon 2007 is
situated in one of the following districts of __?
A. Marwar
B. Mewar
C. Vagad
D. Harauti

Q. 75 The Tradition of which Indian Music still exists in Shri nath ji temple at
A. Haveli Sangeet
B. Raagmala
C. Drupad
D. Mand

Q. 76 'Ojjihana' in Rajasthan is famous for what?
A. Temples
B. Ancient Bronze City
C. Industrial Development
D. Sahitya Academy

Q. 77 In Which district of Rajasthan the fort of 'Gagron' is situated?
A. Kota
B. Bharatpur
C. Hanumangarh
D. Jhalawar

Q. 78 Teja Animal Fair Named Veer Teja ji is being organized every year at ___?
A. Nagour
B. Ajmer
C. Parbatsar
D. Merta

Q. 79 Smt. Vasundhara Raje the Chief minister of Rajasthan inaugurated two units of
Gas based power plants on 01/09/2007 at which place.?
A. Jaipur
B. Jhalawar
C. Alwar
D. Dholpur

Q. 80 The first outbreak of the revolt of 1857 took place in Rajasthan at _?
A. Nimuch
B. Deoli
C. Nasirabad
D. Kherwara
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Q. 81 Approximate difference of local time between the eastern and western most
boundary of Rajasthan is __?
A. 27 minutes
B. 35 minutes
C. 40 minutes
D. 47 minutes

Q. 82 Which of the following, the maximum decadal growth rate of urban population
between 1991 to 2001 was the district of ___?
A. Jodhpur
B. Kota
C. Jaisalmer
D. Udaipur

Q. 83 The districts with north-South contiguity are __?
A. Kota-Bundi-Baran
B. Jalor-Pali-Ajmer
C. Ajmer-Bhilwara-Chittorgarh
D. Jaipur-Dausa-Alwar

Q. 84 The River which is not part of inland drainage is?

A. Som
B. Sabi
C. Mendha
D. Kantli

Q. 85 Select the appropriate answer from the given options D.A.R.E Programmes
have- _
A. Saved million lives
B. Not created the required awareness
C. Controlled drug abuse
D. Made people responsible

Q. 86 Find one word which means 'To Be habituated to '. The words given are?
A. Resistance
B. Addict
C. Awareness
D. Relieve

Q. 87 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate work from the given options. You should
the offer if it does not suit you.
A. Accept
B. Decline
C. Consider
D. Prefer

Q. 88 Which one of the four given options is most suitable for filling the blank in the
The Boy ran------ the filed and reached safely home.
A. Into
B. Across
C. To
D. Within

Q. 89 Join the following sentence using an appropriate connector from the options
She is beautiful.... She is cruel.
A. And
B. Else
C. So
D. But

Q. 90 Use one of the given options to connect the sentence :
Take precautions......... The onset of disease.
A. Before
B. Later
C. So
D. Earlier

Q. 91 Physical symptoms in Psychosomatic Disorders are caused by __?
A. Emotional Factors
B. Physical Factors
C. Genetic Factors
D. Environmental factors

Q. 92 The junction through which neurons communicate with one to another is __?
A. Dendrite
B. Axon
C. Synapse
D. Node of Ranvier

Q. 93 The cognitive changes during old age mostly affect which of the following
A. Emotions
B. Memory
C. Sentiment
D. Intelligence

Q. 94 Emotion can be expressed through which of the following?
A. Language
B. Gesture
C. Facial expressions
D. All of the Above

Q. 95 Eating behavior is controlled by ___?
A. Thyroid
B. Pancras
C. Hypothalamus
D. Adrenal glands

Q. 96 NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) will last till which year?
A. 2009
B. 2010
C. 2011
D. 2012

Q. 97 Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is expressed in terms of _
A. Per 1000000
B. Per 100000
C. Per 10000
D. Per 1000

Q. 98 In Rajasthan, approximate number of primary health centres is __
A. 2500
B. 2000
C. 1500
D. 1000

Q. 99 Which of the following is not an essential amino acid?
A. Threonine
B. Arginine
C. Alanine
D. Tryptophan

Q. 100 Preferably, lumbar puncture (L.P) is done at which of the following site?
A. T12-L1
B. L3-L4
C. L2-L3

D. L1-L2

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