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Download JIPMER Nursing Officer Exam 2018 Question Paper PDF [Memory Based]

Q.01 Which type of virus is a DNA virus?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis D

Q.02 Which join movement is restricted in a patient with peri capsulitis of shoulder?
A. Abduction
B. Adduction
C. Flexion
D. Extension

Q.03 A Nurse is caring for a anemic patient, what finding suggest her that acute blood
loss occurs?
A. Easy fatigue on exertion
B. Bradycardia at rest
C. Postural hypotension
D. Exertious dyspnea
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Q.04 A maternity nurse must be aware that screening test for diabetes in pregnancy
done at?
A. 24 to 28 wks.
B. 6 to 17 wks.
C. 16 to 24 wks.
D. 28 to 38 wks.

Q.05 Maternal death rate is expressed death per-
A. 1000 live birth
B. 1000 pregnancies
C. 10000 live birth
D. 10000 pregnancies

Q.06 A Nurse is assessing a patient with Noisy breathing, she suspects
laryngospasmic stardor, these findings is associated with?
A. Hypokalemia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypercalcemia
D. Hypocalcemia

Q.07 Which agent can used to decontamination of HIV infected materials EXCEPT?
A. Sodium hypo chloride
B. Formaldehyde
C. Glut aldehyde
D. Methanol

Q.08 Components of hyaline Membrane EXCEPT?
A. Albumin
B. Globulin
C. Fibrinogen
D. Fibrin

Q.09 What is Normal compression ventilation ratio in a Newborn.
A. 3:1
B. 12:2
C. 30:2
D. 1:3

Q.10 Identify the Below Image -

A. Malcot Catheter
B. Foleys Catheter
C. Ryle’s Tube
D. Pulmonary Catheter

Q.11 What is Normal cardiac Index?
A. 2.1
B. 3.8
C. 5.8
D. 0.6

Q.12 Which clotting factors are synthesized by vitamin K EXCEPT?
A. Factor II
B. Factor XII
C. Factor IX
D. Factor VII.

Q.13 Which of the following cancer commonly NOT metastasize to liver?
A. Breast
B. Lung
C. Prostate
D. Colorectal
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Q.14 A Nurse know that eating excessive Maize in diet May lead to?
A. Beri-Beri
B. Pellagra
C. Scurvy
D. Rickets

Q.15 Which type to solution cause water shift from tissue to blood stem?
A. Isotonic
B. Hypotonic
C. Hypertonic
D. Alkaloid

Q.16 Which assessment findings suggests Cardiac Arrest?
A. Absence carotid pulse
B. Tachycardia
C. Absence radial pulse
D. Hypotension

Q.17 How much Oxygen should be given to a patient with chronic respiratory failure?
A. 1 L/Min by nasal prong
B. 2 l/Min via nasal mask
C. 10L/Min by nasal mask
D. 12I/Min by nasal mask

Q.18 All enzymes are secretes in GI system EXCEPT?
A. Pepsin
B. Trypsin
C. Chymotrypsin
D. Angiotensin

Q.19 Rapid administration of insulin May lead to?
A. Hyponatremia
B. Hypernatremia
C. Hypokalemia
D. Hyperkalemia

Q.20 Blood cells formation occurs in adults?
A. Flat bones
B. Long bones
C. Spleen
D. Liver

Q.21 Which of the following cancer have infective etiology EXCEPT?
A. Burkitt’s lymphoma
B. Kaposi’s sarcoma
C. Squamous carcinoma of lungs
D. Squamous carcinoma of penis

Q.22 All of following are high risk factors for endometrial carcinoma EXCEPT?
A. Obesity
B. Multiparity
C. Diabetes
D. Exogenous estrogen

Q.23 Spurious high BP is Observed in ?
A. Obesity
B. Small cuff size
C. Thick blood vessels
D. Systolic gap

Q.24 Which of the following lab values are observed in a patient with enalapril?
A. Serum potassium
B. Serum calcium
C. Serum Sodium
D. Serum magnesium

Q.25 Position given to a patient with dyspnea?
A. Supine
B. Prone
C. Head end elevated
D. Trendelenburg position

Q.26 Colour code of sample collecting for hematological examination?
A. Red
B. Blue.
C. Green.
D. Purple

Q.27 A pregnant lady states that last menstruation starts on 10 March and assuming
menstrual cycle length 32 days, calculate the expected date of delivery?
A. January 7
B. December 17
C. January 17
D. December 10

Q.28 Which side is used for DPT vaccine administration in a 18 months old child?
A. Deltoid
B. Vastus latrelus
C. Ractus femorlis
D. Ventro gluital

Q.29 To find out the glucose controls or 3 months in a pregnant women, the best
method is?
A. HbA1c
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Q.30 Byssinosis is Caused by inhalation of?
A. Sugalcan dust
B. Cotton dust
C. Lithium
D. Lead

Q.31 Route of administration of Measles vaccine?

Q.32 Storage of polio vaccine is at?
A. -20°C
B. +20°C
C. -10°C
D. +15°C

Q.33 A patient undergoes pumonotomy is transports to post operative ward, which
position is Given to this patient during post operative care?
A. Left lateral
B. Right lateral
C. Towards affected side
D. Elevated head

Q.34 During suctioning of a patient the Nurse finds that heart rate is decreasing, what
action should Taken by Nurse?
A. Continue suctioning
B. Ensure suction pressure limit to 20 sec
C. Notify physician
D. Stop suction and re-oxygenate patient
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Q.35 Which of the following is side effect of haloperidol?
A. Akathisia
B. Tachycardia
C. Agitation
D. Aphonia

Q.36 Which complication may occurs in a patient if IV Phenytoin administrated
A. Hypotension
B. Bradycardia
C. Tachycardia
D. Hypertension

Q.37 Nurse is about to catharize of bladder of pregnant lady, the nurse aware that all
facts about female urethra are true EXCEPT?
A. It is posterior to vaginal wall
B. It is 1.5 inches in length
C. It is straight and offers minor resistance during catheterization.
D. It's pierce urogenital diaphragm.

Q.38 A Nurse caring to a pregnant lady, she asked to nurse when start breast feeding
following delivery, the appropriate reply of Nurse is-
A. 2 hours after delivery
B. 6 hours after delivery
C. 4 hours after delivery
D. 8 hours after delivery

Q.39 When helping a stoke patient, the nurse should assist-
A. Strong side
B. Weak side
C. From behind
D. From back

Q.40 To avoid pulling of the urinary catheter, tape the catheter on patient's-
A. Upper thigh
B. Foot
C. Lower thigh
D. Hind legs

Q.41 A 16 years primigravida admitted with severe PIH, is giving IV MgSo4, the
nurse should Obtain which of the following information?
A. Urinary output 40ml per hour
B. Deep tendons reflex
C. Respiratory rate below 12
D. Blood pressure 180/110 mmHg

Q.42 Which one is appropriate nursing measure during acute epistaxis.?
A. Tilt the patient head back
B. Place warm compression on patient's nasal bridge
C. Pinch the nose and lead forward patient's head
D. Place the patient's head below legs

Q.43 Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a patient with chronic venous
A. Impaired skin turgor
B. Fluid volume deficit
C. Body image disturbance
D. Activity intolerance

Q.44 Identify the Below Image –

A. Babcock’s forceps
B. Sponge Holding forceps
C. Artery forceps
D. Needle forceps
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Q.45 Which Nursing guidance a nurse should follow when caring for pressure sore?
A. Wound must remain moist
B. Tight packing
C. Dressing to dry before removal
D. Plastic sheet type dehiscence cover

Q.46 When a patient develops evisceration in postoperative period, what should nurse
A. Cover protruding organs
B. Provide moral support
C. Push protruding organs inside
D. Ask the patient's to drink more water

Q.47 How a Nurse teach breathing exercises to a client with chronic bronchitis?
A. Use open mouth breathing
B. Use chest breathing
C. Use diaphragmic breathing
D. Use deep inhalation breathing

Q.48 A Nurse caring a child with head injury, which findings make priority?
A. Decreased level of consciousness
B. Hypokinesia
C. Bradycardia
D. Tachycardia

Q.49 Which factors is most closely associated with successful Smoking cessation?
A. Patient enroll in short team group
B. Lack of reliance on narcotic gum
C. Focus on a single intervention
D. Preparations to plan a potential supplement
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Q.50 During transfers of a patient with chest tube drainage, which one is correct about
drainage tube?
A. Chest tube drainage place above chest level
B. Remove chest tube
C. Chest tube drainage place below chest level
D. Clamp chest tube

Q.51 A newly married couple asked to a CHN for best contraceptive method, CHN
advised to these couple-
A. Condom
B. Advantage and disadvantage of Cooper-T
C. Combined hormonal piles
D. Rhythm method

Q.52 Monoclonal antibody which have catalytic Activity?
A. Ptyalin
B. Enzyme.
C. Abzyme.
D. Lysozyme.

Q.53 Which of the following assessment findings need immediate attention in
A. Hypotension
B. Airway construction
C. Itching
D. Cold clammy skin

Q.54 The Nurse caring a child and find that crust in eyes, which statement is true
regarding cleaning of eyes?
A. Clean from outer canthus to inner canthus
B. Apply water direct
C. Clean from inner canthus to outer canthus
A. D.

Q.55 Effective temperature for sterilization by steam under pressure?
A. 104° to 140°C
B. 140° to 160°C
C. 150° to 180°C
D. 130° to 170°C

Q.56 Dilutes used in administration of drug phenytoin?
A. 0.9% saline
B. 3% saline
C. 45% saline
D. 3% saline with 5% dextrose

Q.57 A women comes in immunization clinic for immunization of 4 years old child,
the nurse see that inner squire is lighter then outer circle on VVM, what will Nurse?
A. Discard the vile
B. Use vaccine
C. Put Back in vaccine container
A. D.

Q.58 Identify the Below Given Image –

A. Folys Catheter
B. Swangwanz Catheter

Q.59 Morphine sulphate is contraindicated in?
A. Asthma
B. Pancreatitis
D. Liver cirrhosis
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Q.60 Size of cannula for blood transfusion?
A. 18G
B. 20G
C. 26G
D. 22G.

Q.61 Normal Biparietal diameter of fetal head?
A. 9.5 cm
B. 11cm
C. 14 cm
D. 8.5 cm

Q.62 A CHN seen A pregnant lady who is anemic, Which Nursing action is
A. Refer immediate hospital
B. Advise naturally available food rich in iron
C. It is Normal
A. D.

Q.63 Which growth and development status is correct in a child?
A. Birth weight 4 time in 2 years
B. Hight double with in 2 years
C. Head circumference and chest circumference equal at 3 years of age
B. D.

Q.64 Which value May lead to atherosclerosis and risk of heart diseases?
A. Increased LDL
B. Decreased LDL
C. Decreased HDL
D. Decreased VLDL

Q.65 Which findings can assess by spirometry EXCEPT?
A. forced Expiratory volume
B. Tidal volume
C. Residual volume
D. Total lung capacity

Q.66 Advantage of using Insulin pen for insulin administration?
A. Can load correct dose
B. Low costly
C. More effective then syringe
D. Needle is small in gauze

Q.67 Which method is best method to assess hypoxia in a patient?
A. Pulse oximetry
C. Arterial gases analysis
D. Tachycardia

Q.68 A client breathing followed by a gradual decrease that results in a temporary
stop in breathing. The pattern repeats with in 50 seconds, this type of respiration is-
A. Kussmal’s respiration
B. Cheyne stokes respiration
C. Bradypnea
A. D.

Q.69 Patient with continue enteral feeding what position given during feeding?
A. Side lying
B. Supine
C. Fowler position
B. D.
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Q.70 Physician prescribe 1gm Ampicillin in 180ml fluid in one hour, calculate
A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 60

Q.71 Which patient have very high risk for developing ovarian cancer?
A. 30 year old using contraceptive pills
B. 36 years old first child at 22 years
C. 45 years old women never pregnant
D. 40 years old women 5 live birth and 1 abortion

Q.72 Total blood supply to circle of villi from cardiac output?
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 30%

Q.73 One day following delivery a client have red color lochia with foul smell, which
condition may suspects -
A. It is Normal
B. Indicates infection
C. Postpartum hemorrhage
A. D.

Q.74 A 32 weeks pregnant women admitted in hospital with the complaint of
spasmodic pain on abdomen and board like abdomen...the Nurse suspects which
A. Placenta previa
B. Eclampsia
C. Abruptio placenta
B. D.

Q.75 A Nurse is going to inserting a stomach tube for gavage, what is right method of
measuring length of tube?
A. Nose bridge to ear lobe then sternum
B. Nose bridge to ear canthus to xiphoidprocess
C. Nose bridge to ear canthus to sternum
C. D.

Q.76 A nursing team leader divides specifics intervention to a team members, this
type of action is -
A. Functional nursing
B. Medication functions
C. Team Nursing.
D. D.

Q.77 Which statement is correct about DOTs therapy?

Q.78 Which condition does not require Oxygen for Oxidation?

Q.79 Which reaction occurs in Krebs Cycle.

Q.80 Example of VID analysis.

Q.81 Glomerular membranes EXCEPT one

Q.82 Storage of sample for lipid profile.

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