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Download Staff Nurse Exam Model Question Paper 32 with Answer

Staff nurse exam Modal Paper is Useful for nursing students who prepare for staff nurse Recruitment exam
like AIIMS,JIPMER,PGIMER,GMCH,DSSSB,RRB,RUHS,BHU,AMU,SCTIMST,KPSC,RPSC,HPSSSB,HSSC,IGNOU ESIC and All other Staff nurse exam .you can download this question paper in pdf format link given at the end of paper.

Model Paper PDF will Help You to Crack Nursing Officer Examination. These Model Papers Questions are Asked in Various Nursing Officer Exam Like AIIMS, PGIMER, JIPMER, DSSSB, BHU, RUHS, RPSC, AMU, ESIC, RRB, and Other Exam. 

We Make Model Questions Paper From Previous Asked Questions in Various Staff Nurse Exam.

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           [For Nursing Officer Exam Preparations ]

             [Total Questions  - 50 Questions with Answers]

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Q. 01 Triage means- __
A. Large
B. Emergency
C. Short
D. The process of Shorting victims

Q. 02 Bitot's spot and Xerophthalmia above due to which of the following __?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

Q. 03 Which position given to a patient in sigmoidoscopy___?
A. Lithotomy
B. Knee-chest
C. Prone
D. Supine

Q. 04 Complete care are Nurse to one patient called.?
A. Primary Nurse
B. Secondary Nurse
C. Area In charge
D. District Nurse

Q. 05 Early Sign of digoxin toxicity is__?
A. Nausea and vomiting
B. Increase pulse
C. Decrease pulse
D. Burning in heart
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Q. 06 Which is hypotonic solution ___?
A. 0.9% Nacl
B. 5% Dextrose
C. 0.45% Nacl
D. 5% Dextrose + 0.45%NaCl

Q. 07 The Choice of TURP Solution for irrigation time is__?
A. Plain water
B. Normal saline
C. Glycerol
D. None of these

Q. 08 Largest burn area according to rule of Nine __?
A. Face and Neck
B. Face and trunk
C. Both hand
D. Both leg and genitalia

Q. 09 A swine flu patient going to LAMA, in which condition a Nursing staff what to
do it__?
A. Take consent
B. Inform to doctor and advise for disease related before LAMA
C. Take consent and leave to patient
D. Inform to doctor

Q. 10 UTI due to indwelling catheter which is infection type __?
A. Iterogenic infection
B. Nosocomial infection
C. Acute infection
D. Chronic infection

Q. 11 Which Hepatitis spread through oro-fecal route _?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E

Q. 12 Which is Not STD___?
A. Syphilis
B. Hepatitis A
D. Gonorrhea

Q. 13 Normal Prothrombin Time is___?
A. 0-15 second
B. 6-10 second
C. 9-12 second
D. 15-20 second

Q. 14 Which component lack in Human milk___?
A. Vitamin D
B. IgA
C. Calcium
D. Magnesium

Q. 15 Patient says someone making conspiracy obtain me Which delusion he
Suffering ___?
A. Projection
B. Perceution
C. Perception
D. Regression

Q. 16 Bile Salt accumulation cause ___?
A. Ecchymosis
B. Itching
C. Pruritis
D. Psoriasis

Q. 17 Which Factor responsible for malaria ___?
A. Fungus
B. Virus
C. Protozoa
D. Bacteria

Q. 18 ASHA Stands For ___?
A. Accredited social health Activist
B. Accredited social health worker
C. Associated social health activist
D. Activist social health provider

Q. 19 ASHA not posted at __?
A. Super Specialty Hospital
D. Sub Centre

Q. 20 In diabetic ketoacidosis which electrolyte replace ___?
A. K+
B. Na+
C. Calcium
D. Magnesium

Q. 21 Which ion is not given in Impaired renal function patient _?
A. Magnesium
B. K+
C. Calcium
D. Na+

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Q. 22 Apgar Score is 9 means baby condition is ___?
A. Very poor
B. Poor
C. Grace
D. Good

Q. 23 Which is wrong Scale in Glasgow Coma Scale ___?
A. 4 spontaneous eye opening
B. 5 verbal command follow
C. 6 eye opening
D. 6 motor response

Q. 24 Which sign indicate Severe dehydration ___?
A. Skin turgor
B. Lethargy
C. Hypotension
D. Sunken fontanel

Q. 25 Which condition of frequent complication of peritoneal dialysis ___?
A. Hypertension
B. Air embolism
C. Peritonitis
D. Dialysis encephalopathy

Q. 26 Population at block level ___?
A. 100 village 1 lac population
B. 100 village 10000 population
C. 50 village 1000 population
D. 1000 village 1 lac population

Q. 27 Which vaccine store in freezing compartment ___?
D. Measles

Q. 28 Early sign of hypoglycemia in patient is____?
A. Diaphoresis
B. Hypotension
C. Lethargy
D. Thrust

Q. 29 A decrease bone density is called ___?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Osteoporosis
C. Arthritis
D. Joint stiffness

Q. 30 The Drug of Choice in malignant Hypertension ___?
A. Nitroglycerin
B. Nor-adrenaline
C. Nitroprusside
D. Lasix

Q. 31 De-Cannulization means ___?
A. IV cannula removal
B. IV cannula insertion
C. Tracheostomy removal
D. Tracheostomy

Q. 32 During eclampsia which Nursing action take immediately ___?
A. IV magnesium sulphate
B. Prevent patient from falling
C. Observation vitals
D. Airway protection

Q. 33 Myasthenia Gravis patient early symptoms ___?
A. Dysphagia
B. Ptosis
C. Salivation
D. Paralysis

Q. 34 Which is Correct steps of eye care ____?
A. Outer canthus to inner canthus
B. Inner canthus to outer canthus
C. Medal to inner canthus
D. Outer to medal canthus

Q. 35 A head injury patient, Which alarming event soft surface show ill patients ___?
A. Tachycardia
B. Hypotension
C. Ear bleeding
D. Hypoglycemia

Q. 36 Which enzyme immediately present after attack of myocardial Infarction __?
B. Anti-Natriuretic peptide
C. Troponin
D. Erythropoietin

Q. 37 Objective data collection method EXCEPT __?
A. Demonstration
B. Interview
C. Panel discussion
D. Group discussion

Q. 38 A HIV Positive patients refuse to disclose his diagnosis with wife what is
Nurse do __?
A. Confidentiality
B. Inform to his wife
C. Inform to his family
D. Information to hospital administration
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Q. 39 Cervical Dilatation 2cm weak and 2cm contraction within 10 minutes, this
condition defines ___?
A. Early delivery
B. Active phase
C. Late delivery
D. Not in active phase

Q. 40 Patient feel chill and fever within 10 minutes of blood Transfusion. After stop
the Transfusion what step do it a Nurse is Next __?
A. Inform to doctor
B. Start Dextrose drip
C. Start Nacl drip slowly
D. Remove IV Cannula

Q. 41 Human papilloma virus found in disease ____?
B. Syphilis
C. Hepatitis B
D. Cervical cancer

Q. 42 Infected Bandage discard in which color of bag__?
A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Black
D. Blue

Q. 43 Red colour urine produce in which drug ___?
A. Rifampicin
B. Ondansetron
C. Isoniazid
D. Iron capsule

Q. 44 Which is not given in Anaphylaxis reactions __?
A. Adrenaline
B. Anti-histamine
C. Salicylate
D. Hydrocortisone

Q. 45 Rice water stool is present in___?
A. Typhoid
B. Diarrhea
C. Dysentery
D. Cholera

Q. 46 A patient is operated with laparotomy, early sign of Post-operative shock in
A. Tachycardia
B. Pulse pressure
C. Hypotension
D. Bleeding from operated side

Q. 47 A alcoholic patient blame on family environment for drinking which defense he
A. Denial
B. Projection
C. Regression
D. Perception

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Q. 48 O positive blood group is not available in blood bank. Which blood may be give
to patient __?
A. O Negative
B. B positive
C. A positive
D. AB positive

Q. 49 Gout Accumulation of___?
A. Calcium
B. Uric acid
C. Creatinine
D. Urea

Q. 50 T-Cell Mature in ___?
A. Thymus
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Kidney

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