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Download Staff Nurse Exam Modal Question Paper pdf -10  with Answer

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Download Staff Nurse Exam Modal Question Paper pdf -10  with Answer

Sources - NCLEX-RN Practice Question Answer

Q. 1  The nurse is caring for a Patient after a motor vehicle accident. The client has a fractured tibia, and bone is noted protruding through the skin. Which action is of priority?
A. Provide manual traction above and below the leg
B. Cover the bone area with a sterile dressing
C. Apply an ACE bandage around the entire lower limb
D. Place the client in the prone position

Q. 2. The RN on the oncology unit is preparing to mix and administer amphotericin B to a Patient .Which action is contraindicated for administering this drug IV?
A. Mix the drug with normal saline solution
B. Administer the drug over 4–6 hours
C. Hydrate with IV fluids 2 hours before the infusion
D. Premedicate the client with ordered acetaminophen and diphenhydramine

Q. 3. A nurse is administering a blood transfusion to a Patient  on the oncology unit. Which clinical manifestation indicates an acute hemolytic reaction to the blood?
A. Low back pain
B. A temperature of 101°F
C. Urticaria
D. Neck vein distention

Q. 4 The nurse caring for a Patient diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the bone is exhibiting mental confusion and a BP of 150/100. Which laboratory value would correlate with the client’s symptoms reflecting a com-mon complication with this diagnosis?
A. Potassium 5.2mEq/L
B. Calcium 13mg/dL
C. Inorganic phosphorus 1.7mEq/L
D. Sodium 138mEq/L

Q.5 A Patient with a stroke and malnutrition has been placed on Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). The nurse notes air entering the Patient  via the central line. Which initial action is most appropriate?
A. Notify the physician
B. Elevate the head of the bed
C. Place the client in the left lateral decubitus position
D. Stop the TPN and hang D5 1/2 NS

Q.6 The nurse is preparing a Patient for cervical uterine radiation implant insertion. Which will be included in the teaching plan?
A. TV or telephone use will not be allowed while the implant is in place.
B. A Foley catheter is usually inserted.
C. A high-fiber diet is recommended.
D. Excretions will be considered radioactive.

Q.7 The nurse is caring for a Patient with a head injury who has an intracranial pressure monitor in place. Assessment reveals an ICP reading of 66. What is the nurse’s best action?
A. Notify the physician
B. Record the reading as the only action
C. Turn the client and recheck the reading
D. Place the client supine

Q. 8 The nurse is caring for a Patient with leukemia who is receiving the drug doxorubicin. Which toxic effects of this drug would be reported to the physician immediately?
A. Rales and distended neck veins
B. Red discoloration of the urine and output of 75mL the previous hour
C. Nausea and vomiting
D. Elevated BUN and dry, flaky skin

Q. 9 A Patient has developed diabetes insipidous after removal of a pituitary tumor. Which finding would the nurse expect?
A. Polyuria
B. Hypertension
C. Polyphagia
D. Hyperkalemia

Q.10 A Patient with cancer received platelet infusions 24 hours ago. Which of the following assessment findings would indicate the most therapeutic effect from the transfusions?
A. Hgb level increase from 8.9 to 10.6
B. Temperature reading of 99.4°F
C. White blood cell count of 11,000
D. Decrease in oozing of blood from IV site

Q.11 A Patient  is admitted with Parkinson’s disease who has been taking Carbidopa/levodopa (Sinemet) for 1 year. Which clinical manifestation would be most important to report?
A. Dry mouth
B. Spasmodic eye winking
C. Dark urine
D. Dizziness

Q.12 The nurse who is caring for a Patient  with cancer notes a WBC of 500 on the laboratory results. Which intervention would be most appropriate to include in the Patient’s plan of care?
A. Assess temperature every 4 hours because of risk for hypothermia
B. Instruct the client to avoid large crowds and people who are sick
C. Instruct in the use of a soft toothbrush
D. Assess for hematuria

Q.13 A Patient with Crohn’s disease requires TPN to provide adequate nutrition. The nurse finds the TPN bag empty. What fluid would the nurse select to hang until another bag is prepared in the pharmacy?
A. Lactated Ringers
B. Normal saline
C. D10W
D. Normosol R

Q. 14 The nurse is caring for a Patient with possible cervical cancer. What clinical data would the nurse most likely find in the Patient ’s history?
A. Post-coital vaginal bleeding
B. Nausea and vomiting
C. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
D. Hyperthermia

Q.15 The nurse caring for a Patient with myasthenia  gravis recognizes which of the following as the priority nursing diagnosis?
A. Risk for injury
B. Acute pain
C. Ineffective airway clearance
D. Impaired mobility

Q.16 A Patient is scheduled to undergo a bone marrow aspiration from the sternum. What position would the nurse assist the client into for this procedure?
A. Dorsal recumbent
B. Supine
C. Fowler’s
D. Lithotomy

Q.17 The nurse is caring for a Patient with a head injury who has increased ICP. The physician plans to reduce the cerebral edema by constricting cerebral blood vessels. Which physician order would serve this purpose?
A. Hyperventilation per mechanical ventilation
B. Insertion of a ventricular shunt
C. Furosemide
D. Solumedrol

Q.18 A Patient with a T6 injury 6 months ago develops facial flushing and a BP of 210/106. After elevating the head of the bed, which is the most appropriate nursing action?
A. Notify the physician
B. Assess the client for a distended bladder
C. Apply oxygen at 3L/min
D. Increase the IV fluids

Q.19 The nurse is performing an admission history for a Patient  recovering from a stroke. Medication history reveals the drug clopidogrel . Which clinical manifestation alerts the nurse to an adverse effect of this drug?
A. Epistaxis
B. Abdominal distention
C. Nausea
D. Hyperactivity

Q.20 The nurse caring for a Patient  with a head injury would recognize which assessment finding as the most indicative of increased ICP?
A. Nausea and vomiting
B. Headache
C. Dizziness
D. Papilledema

Q.21  A Patient with angina is experiencing migraine headaches. The physician has prescribed Sumatriptan succinate . Which nursing action is most appropriate?
A. Call the physician to question the prescription order
B. Try to obtain samples for the client to take home
C. Perform discharge teaching regarding this drug
D. Consult social services for financial assistance with obtaining the drug

Q.22  A Patient with COPD is in respiratory failure. Which of the following results would be the most sensitive indicator that the client requires a mechani-cal ventilator?
A. PCO2 58
B. SaO2 90
C. PH 7.23
D. HCO3 30

Q. 23 The nurse in the emergency room is caring for a Patient with multiple rib fractures and a pulmonary contusion. Assessment reveals a respiratory rate of 38, a heart rate of 136, and restlessness. Which associated assessment finding would require immediate intervention?
A. Occasional hemoptysis
B. Midline trachea with wheezing on auscultation
C. Subcutaneous air and absent breath sounds
D. Pain when breathing deeply, with rales in the upper lobes

Q.24 The nurse is caring for a Patient with myasthenias gravis who is having trouble breathing. The nurse would encourage which of the following positions for maximal lung expansion?
A. Supine with no pillow, to maintain patent airway
B. Side-lying with back support
C. Prone with head turned to one side
D. Sitting or in high Fowler’s

Q. 25  The nurse is caring for Patients on a respiratory unit. Upon receiving the following client reports, which client should be seen first?
A. Client with emphysema expecting discharge
B. Bronchitis client receiving IV antibiotics
C. Bronchitis client with edema and neck vein distention
D. COPD client with PO2 of 85

26  A Patient has sustained a severe head injury and damaged the preoccipital lobe. The nurse should remain particularly alert for which of the follow-ing problems?
A. Visual impairment
B. Swallowing difficulty
C. Impaired judgment
D. Hearing impairment

Q. 27  The nurse is caring for a Patient with epilepsy who is to receive Dilantin 100mg IV push. The client has an IV of D51/2NS infusing at 100mL/hr. When administering the Dilantin, the nurse should first:
A. Obtain an ambu bag and put it at bedside
B. Insert a 16g IV catheter
C. Flush the IV line with normal saline
D. Premedicate with phenergan IV push

Q.28  A Patient with increased intracranial pressure is receiving Mannitol and Lasix. The nurse recognizes that these two drugs are given to reverse which effect?
A. Energy failure
B. Excessive intracellular calcium accumulation
C. Cellular edema
D. Excessive glutamate release

Q.29 The nurse is assessing a Patient upon arrival to the emergency department. Partial airway obstruction is suspected. Which clinical manifestation is a late sign of airway obstruction?
A. Rales auscultated in breath sounds
B. Restlessness
C. Cyanotic ear lobes
D. Inspiratory stridor

Q.30 The nurse is working in the trauma unit of the emergency room when a 24-year-old female is admitted after an MVA. The Patient is bleeding profusely and a blood transfusion is ordered. Which would the nurse be pre-pared to administer without a type and crossmatch?
A. AB positive
B. AB negative
C. O positive
D. O negative

Q.31 When preparing a Patient for magnetic resonance imaging, the nurse should implement which of the following?
A. Obtain informed consent and administer atropine 0.4mg
B. Scrub the injection site for 15 minutes
C. Remove any jewelry and inquire about metal implants
D. Administer Benadryl 50mg/mL IV

Q.32 Upon admission to the hospital, a Patient reports having ―the worst headache I’ve ever had. The nurse should give the highest priority to:
A. Administering pain medication
B. Starting oxygen
C. Performing neuro checks
D. Inserting a Foley catheter

Q.33 The nurse is caring for a Patient with an acoustic neuroma brain tumor. The location of this tumor warrants which of the following nursing diagnosis as the highest priority?
A. High risk for constipation
B. Fluid volume deficit
C. Ineffective coping
D. High risk for injury

Q. 34 The i Patient s admitted to the ER with multiple rib fractures on the right. The nurse’s assessment reveals that an area over the right clavicle is puffy and that there is a ―crackling‖ noise with palpation. The nurse should further assess the client for which of the following problems?
A. Flail chest
B. Subcutaneous emphysema
C. Infiltrated subclavian IV
D. Pneumothorax

Q.35 A Patient has an order for Demerol 75mg and atropine 0.4mg IM as a pre-operative medication. The Demerol vial contains 50mg/mL, and atropine is available 0.4mg/mL. How many milliliters will the nurse administer in total?
A. 1.0
B. 1.7
C. 2.5
D. 3.0

Q.36 Nimodipine is ordered for the Patient with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. The nurse recognizes that the desired effect of this drug is to:
A. Prevent the influx of calcium into cells
B. Restore the client’s blood pressure to a normal reading
C. Prevent the inflammatory process
D. Dissolve the clot that has formed

Q.37 A is Patient admitted to the hospital with seizures. The client has jerking of the right arm and twitching of the face, but is alert and aware of the seizure. This behavior is characteristic of which type of seizure?
A. Absence
B. Complex partial
C. Simple partial
D. Tonic-clonic

Q.38 The intensive care unit is full and the emergency room just called in a report on a ventilator-dependent Patient who is being admitted to the medical surgical unit. It would be essential that the nurse have which piece of equipment at the Patient ’s bedside?
A. Cardiac monitor
B. Intravenous controller
C. Manual resuscitator
D. Oxygen by nasal cannula

Q.39 The nurse is caring for a Patient on a ventilator that is set on intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV). Assessment on the ventilator is IMV mode of 8 breaths per minute. The nurse assesses the Patient’s respiratory rate of 13 per minute. These findings indicate that:
 A. The client is fighting the ventilator.
B. Pressure support ventilation is being used.
C. Additional breaths are being delivered by the ventilator.
D. The client is breathing five additional breaths on his own.

Q.40 The nurse has given instructions on pursed-lip breathing to a client with COPD. Which statement by the Patient would indicate effective teaching?
A. I should inhale through my mouth.
B. I should tighten my abdominal muscles with inhalation.
C. I should contract my abdominal muscles with exhalation.
D. I should make inhalation twice as long as exhalation

Q.41 A Patient is receiving aminophylline IV. The nurse monitors the theophylline blood level and assesses that the level is within therapeutic range when it is:
A. 5ug/mL
B. 8ug/mL
C. 15ug/mL
D. 25ug/Ml

Q.42 The nurse is assessing the arterial blood gases (ABG) of a chest trauma Patient with the results of pH 7.35, PO2 85, PCO2 55, and HCO3 27. These ABG values indicate that the client is in:
A. Uncompensated respiratory acidosis
B. Uncompensated metabolic acidosis
C. Compensated respiratory acidosis
D. Compensated metabolic acidosis

Q. 43 A pneumonectomy is performed on a Patient with lung cancer. Which of the following would probably be omitted from the client’s plan of care?
A. Closed chest drainage
B. Pain-control measures
C. Supplemental oxygen
D. Coughing and deep-breathing exercises

Q.44 When planning the care for a Patient after a posterior fossa (infratentorial) craniotomy, which action is contraindicated?
A. Keeping the client flat on one side
B. Elevating the head of the bed 30°
C. Log-rolling or turning as a unit
D. Keeping the neck in a neutral position

Q.45 The nurse is performing discharge teaching on a Patient with ulcerative colitis who has been placed on a low-residue diet. Which food would need to be eliminated from this Patient ’s diet?
A. Roasted chicken
B. Noodles
C. Cooked broccoli
D. Roast beef

Q.46 The nurse is assisting a Patient with diverticulitis to select appropriate foods. Which food should be avoided?
A. Bran
B. Fresh peach
C. Tomato and cucumber salad
D. Dinner roll

Q.47 A Patient is admitted with a possible bowel obstruction. Which question during the nursing history is least helpful in obtaining information regarding this diagnosis?
A. Tell me about your pain.
B. What does your vomit look like?
C. Describe your usual diet.
D. Have you noticed an increase in abdominal size?

Q. 48 The nurse is caring for a Patient with epilepsy who is being treated with carbamazepine . Which laboratory value might indicate a serious side effect of this drug?
A. BUN 10mg/dL
B. Hemoglobin 13.0gm/dL
C. WBC 4,000/mm3
D. Platelets 200,000/mm3

Q.49 A Patient is admitted with a tumor in the parietal lobe. Which symptoms would be expected due to this tumor’s location?
A. Hemiplegia
B. Aphasia
C. Paresthesia
D. Nausea

Q.50 A Patient weighing 150 pounds has received burns over 50% of his body at 1200 hours. Using the Parkland formula, calculate the expected amount of fluid that the client should receive by 2000 hours.
A. 3,400
B. 6,800
C. 10,200
D. 13,600